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Work Schedule

I believe I've mentioned that my plan of working is more a tackle comms and such for 3 days and take a day off to rest.

Yesterday I was struggling with some stuff because, say, I have at least 3 comics I want to work on:

  • Rune's Story (Which I don't think I'll be able to upload today but hopefully can schedule it for next Friday night
  • Wrong destination (An original comic which currently has about 12 planned pages)
  • Holocure comic (Which would be a one shot delivered at the moment, but is one of the things I want to work on)

Using my day off kind of can be a bummer, overall when I have other stuff I want to do, for example, yesterday which I took requests and ended up drawing most of them to avoid upsetting people >_>'

Pretty much my current plan ATM is more a 4 days of work, 1 day of rest but one of those 4 days of work is meant to be more chill or used on the stuff I do want to work on (Working on comic of the month, potential pieces of the month, sketchorama, etc.) (Likely would be used after new year due me visiting family on the 23rd) I could try to use current format and mix it, with the 3 day thingie... I should need to see what works and doesn't burns me out.

Activity and engagement

I'll be honest, a part of me kind of was worried you weren't happy with my Patreon, thankfully the survey seems to say otherwise, but let me explain what comes this train of thoughts.

On deviantArt I have around 11.9K watchers (At the time of this posting) (God knows how many are actually active) 

From all the stuff I upload, pieces tend to get between 60 to 300 likes, understandably so, I am not a focused artists, I draw hypnosis, shrinking, petrification, just cute stuff, commissions from others, so it's obvious not everyone will like everything (I even don't like all that is posted on my gallery XD (And that's fine))

But deviantArt likes are public, and I focus on fetish stuff mainly, is obvious some people wouldn't like to have their kinks exposed in such way, as far as I know you can't see what people like in Patreon, you can see who liked what, but not all condenced, and TBH, when I interact with the other people I support, I basically don't care about who likes what, I barely engage with other users. But the lack of likes was what was worrying me overall 

I even thought that maybe, you weren't being notified of the updates... which in retrospective with the amount of stuff I post I may be a bit annoying :V (Sorry there)

Anyways, this worry/thought kind of got shut down yesterday with all the requests I got, I wasn't expecting this many, but hope you liked the results overall

Reminder on current plans

Little reminder that on the 23rd I'll be visiting my family and friends on another city, I won't be able to take my PC with me (Nor want to take my laptop, I won't be having the privacy nor space to work on stuff) So Christmas days will be a bit more silent here.

I will return on the 28th tho. I still need to decide if I'll use those days to work or to rest. Or to work on my own stuff (comic of the month, maybe do the YCH of next month or what not)

However, on the 30th-31st a friend will come to spend new year with my family, so likely that weekend won't be very productive, I do hope to go back to full schedule/commissions after that.

I do plan to visit my dad (who lives in another city) someday in January, but that will be a weekend or so.

Value of the tier

According to the survey, most people seem more inclined to:

  • Me doing a YCH, people suggest characters and outfit and I pick the winners
  • People suggesting ideas for this (characters + alts) and me picking what I like the most (requires cool down)
  • And suggestions of the month (basically people request stuff, which may include comics, I pick and the winners require a cool down)

I kind of need a proper way to manage cool downs because then I may have them mixed up >_>'

However, I might inclined to the one of suggesting the character with the outfits (Or situations), feels more streamlined, suggestions of the month doesn't sound as bad considering it could have more variation on the subjects as well...

Something I need to think of and try out in the future.

Little note on Requests

Yesterday I wasn't replying much to the comments, mainly because I streamed/drew almost all day and I was checking the ideas as I were drawing them.

I forgot to mention something important and that is, please try to keep requests relatively simple, some ideas had many characters so that kind of made me feel a bit more hesitant on taking them or reading them, I don't tend to do so well with text walls.

In any case, thanks to all of you who participated

And thank you for supporting me!

(Also thanks if you read all this text wall :V)

Hope you all have a nice weekend!



Well you have been working really hard on this stuff and we all appreciate it very much so I say if you want to rest you should. Definitely looking forward to the future here because it's gonna be great I think.


I often don't remember to "like" stuff on Patreon because I assume that the artist can already tell that I like their work by the fact that I am supporting them on Patreon. So, to me, it seems unnecessary to click "like" on every Patreon post I do like, since I like almost all of them. I'm sorry if my thinking gives you the impression that your Patreon stuff isn't popular with your subscribers. Just remember that, if we didn't like your art, then we wouldn't be here at all. Also, I don't think you are posting too much and sending us too many notifications.


I mean, the survey says you all are quite satisfied (or at worst, Ok for what it is), so those doubts were a bit dispelled. Plus all the suggestions I got few days ago kind of proof you all get notified :V