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Hello there!
In these past few days I've been thinking of few stuff overall concerning the Patreon and specifically, Tiers of level 2 and 3 (and those in the inspiration tier).

My main issue is that I feel that the overall value might not be as worth
- But Richo/Mythkaz, you tend to give more art than usual!
Yes, but my art is not particularly as detailed as others, Those who have come to my streams can see I can make drawings in few minutes or hours, depending on the piece.

Here are some thoughts I've been having to improve the value of the tiers.

Comic of the month (Exclusivity)

For one, I believe I can start putting the comic of the month behind these levels instead of a "To all Patreons", since I feel I've been focusing more on art as of late. December is a busy month overall, so I've had few compromises here and there, but aside from that, I think I've been doing a decent amount of art in these past weeks.

Comic of the month (Themes)

The current ideas of the comic of the month have been:

  • Lust Potion (Which is corruption), 
  • Ty'Ree's armored fate (Peril, possession and various endings I made with nobody-kadaj) 
  • Rune story/Mirror islands (which is more a story driven comic I'm also doing with RubyLemonLime/Rune, but this story may have a bit more of hypnosis and such along the way). I do plan to upload at least one more page for the month of Rune's comic BTW. 

I have another comic which is called "wrong destination" Which I wouldn't like to start uploading without me finishing it first, I have the sketch done, but I feel the comic could have an additional punchline.
Another thing I've been wondering is, I feel most of these ideas tend to be in the possession/hypnosis alley, I believe most of you like the subject, but I would also like to offer other comics (even if they are small or have hypnosis within it) using Shrinking, petrification or dollification as part of the plot.
Is just a thought I have, any opinion on the matter is welcomed

Suggestions and Requests

As you know, few days ago I opened suggestions on twitter because I'm a horny piece of human being.
However a couple of friends/allies mentioned they weren't comfortable using twitter  (or weren't able to) to which led me to think about the possibility of maybe open a suggestion wave for patrons only (Mainly Tiers 2, 3 and A). The nature of the suggestions waves (At least by how I handle them) is that there is no guarantee of me doing them all. So the main conflict would be on upsetting some of you by not doing all the ideas.

One thing I don't want to is to stop taking suggestions on dA/twitter, so I'll eventually open suggestions there sometime in the future. I do plan to keep working on the current active waves from March 2021 and February 2022 for the time being tho.
There is also in the table make a space to let you suggest ideas from these waves and so they have more chances of being done.

Conflicting thoughts

You all are supporting me, I'm really thankful of that, me doing stuff that may be souring to some of you is not particularly a happy thought to have.
There is some ideas I would like to upgrade a sketch from Sketchorama.
However, by doing so, It may be unfair to some people. "Didn't get enough votes and still got upgraded because he liked the idea/is friends with the requester".

While I don't mind these thoughts on other parts, I kind of want to treat everyone as equally possible in here. That's why these ideas of requests or just upgrading a sketch just because I liked it or want to are harder for me to do or put in the table.

As I mentioned, I want to increase the value of the tiers, While some of these might be nice options, the uncertainty or unfairness behind them makes me think twice. To a degree "Not offering the option is better than offering an option that may not benefit everyone"

Pieces with Alts

Value of the tiers
As I mentioned before, I had to move to the Sketchorama model to avoid breaking Patreon's ToS/Guidelines. By doing so, the alts of a piece were removed so basically there isn't much exclusivity on Patreon as it was before. In other months you could argue there is at least a nude or some other alt exclusive to Patreon. (Plus a piece with alts may be fun regardless)

Possible options to offer more exclusive art
One of the Patreons I follow is Jinzhan who offers comics I really enjoy, aside from that he offers a couple of polls each month, one suggesting which of his characters feature in the pieces of the month (can be them doing everyday stuff, sometimes with nude variants) and another poll of a specific winner that has another piece, however here he offers various sketches of the piece and he lets his audience decide.

I recall another artist doing something similar, where at the start of each month he would open a poll to let people pick the girl he should do artwork of plus letting people suggest a girl for the piece(s) of the next month.

Of course I would like to have more Patrons and more participation and part of that is why I want to increase the value of these tiers. I feel Tier 1 has a nice amount of Value with all the art I post, (Mainly commissions, requests and any other random idea I draw) But I feel giving more of extra content to the other tiers wouldn't harm, It might be more work, but I want to see it more like an incentive/investment in the future of the page

The goal
An apology for all the ramble, but I kind of lay down my thoughts, I simply could go with "It is what is is" and anything extra I do is an "added service" with me doing what I want. But that's not the idea, I write this post because I want hear (or better said, read?) what you think, what you would prefer, maybe a middle ground can be met, or you may have some ideas that might be better than what I have in mind. That's why I make polls, to have the overall thought, what the majority thinks.

Few of the ideas I have to this (While maybe not as much as with the other content, can be a start):

  • First and most simple one would be have a poll of characters (Could be OCs or Franchise characters) alongside the alts each piece would have and then have a voting.
  • Another would be me taking requests and suggestions, I pick the ones I like but those who got their ideas done have a cool down as well from the request/suggestion waves (The cool down from the request is different from the cool down of the sketchorama, however, since this one involves alts, is more my pick)
  • Third option is doing a YCH of sorts, I draw a sketch, possible mention few alts, and people suggest the victim, 
  • The option of me doing what I want is also viable. If you would like me trying to surprise you or me opening a poll, of characters I fancy ATM
  • I see myself as a comic artist, So an option could be to try to make small comics with multiple endings (Like the outfit the girl ends up with changing, or the TF she has)
  • The other could be something similar to what JagoDibuja does, which is draw a character and start stripping her clothes, while I would love to do with what I did with Lailah last year, the set would be like 3 images with different poses, or a single pose with clothes being removed and possibly adding few outfit alts.
  • On a similar note, images of a girl being petrified or shrunk out of her clothes are also an option.

There are many possible variants to these options, adding options or polls, but TBH, I am also wary on adding multiple steps on everything, mainly because in the end, it would take time. 

The piece could be fully exclusive with me posting a teaser on dA/twitter, but TBH I would rather say "there are more variants on my Patreon" rather than do cutout versions.

In all cases, thanks for reading, I really hope to hear what are your thoughts.

I'll likely post a poll later to try to pick on the better option.

Another thing is, Likely this would take place on the next month. But I might try to offer an alternative myself here.



Perhaps make certain variants exclusive to the highest tier?


The problem is, adding something not expected to a sketch might not be welcomed by the requester/winner of the upgrade, so that's a mined field IMO.


What if you did an ongoing comic each month for the top tier, where get like 3-4 choices to decide the direction for the next chapter?


The problem with it is that I would need to have a story and not sure how viable would be, plus a comic that progresses slowly each month may not be the best option. I have been wanting to do that sort of thing tho. But thanks for the input!