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Here are the winning results from the poll at https://www.patreon.com/posts/75413137

But Mythkaz, you said you would only do 3!
Yeah, but is less effort and waiting to give up and do a couple more than to make a tie breaker, in any case, enjoy!

In any case, the images are:

  • From SwankyPajamas, a picture of his OC Nerine (Green) hypnotizing his OC Cailey  (Purple) while coiling her.
  • From Joe Z., Futaba  (Green) and Kazumi (red) from Persona 5 being coiled by sea serpents,  with Futaba being hypnotized and Kazumi trying to break free.
  • From cophocoa, Iono from the new pokemon game as an electric eel themed mermaid.
  • From tornhitman, Lyn from fire emblem hypnotized to be a cheerleader.
  • From Kiu, a picture of 3 of his OCs more casual. And posing together.

I was expecting other winners, but again, who am I to judge :V

In all cases, enjoy!




Nice. Could I please hit you up for the comm version of my sketch, then?