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Hello everyone!

First of, I received a notification from Patreon saying they would start charging for September(?) (Tho I asked to not charge for the month mostly because I am not sure I could offer the regular promised content)

Second is, IRL work seems to be ready to launch, will be released on the 8th so I guess I'll have full freedom after that.

I am sure I mentioned this before but from the 9th until the 13th I'll be visiting my dad and will be unable to do art or anything of the sort (debating if taking my laptop, but I recently formatted it and installed Linux since Windows was too slow on it by now (updates, bloatware, etc.) so not sure if I could art at his place at all)

Also, I am planning on changing the tiers: 

  • Level 1: Remains unchanged and mostly becomes the early access thingie for general art and commissions, mainly change it's name but keeps like it
  • Level 2 (current): Will be renamed and unpublished (keeping the same price), it would have all the benefits of Level 3
  • Level 2 (new): Has access to the comic of the month, and the exclusive art of the month, can vote on few stuff but can't enter the art suggestions.
  • Level 3 (limited): Can suggest art for the month 

Which comes another subject: For the art of the month I also want to offer the option of sketch/doodle art (not having alts, being rough overall, but guaranteed result) BUT, asking the doodle means having a month cool down.

Finally, I've been wanting to ask you which of these 2 would you prefer me to open:

  • Offer a test run of the sketch suggestion (not ruled by current cooldowns, the drawing would be 1-2 characters, complicated outfits would be simplified)
  • Allow you to suggest me ideas to tackle from the current open suggestions waves (Current open waves are Lewd art (pinups mostly) and March 2021 wave)

Also, do you have suggestions for the rename of the tiers?


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