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Hello everyone, an apology for not being too active this month:

Past couple weeks I've been having IRL work (online) meetings that take a good chunk of the day, be it to make tests or assist with resolving problems (or being moral support) but in short I was pretty much busy all day in a way or another.

My role in these meetings pretty much is help checking logs and database results of the tests made, as well as deliver information my friend (who did most of the actual work and knows the code much better) tries to ask for stuff... Is a strange dynamic, but I in no way intend to steal credit for the work done >_>'

Anyways, yesterday the Tester sent a mail saying that tests have been successfully completed! There are few things to check here and there, but those seem to be minor stuff now. And for what I heard on yesterday's meeting, the project may be deployed next week. 

So the light at the end of the tunnel is finally visible.

Hope to be able to tackle the winners of the poll on the weekend, as well as pending commissions, snatch commissions and few late birthday gifts >_>


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