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Hello everyone, here posting a couple of commissions I managed to finished yesterday, they were commissioned by Shurelya777 on deviantArt

The first one, a comic where their OC Peach Blossom is on a magician's performance  (Using my unnamed OC magician girl

The magician asks Blossom if she can go to the stage, put  her hat on Peach and start pulling her inside, when pulling her away,  Peach being dressed as a bunny girl already hypnotized to be the  magician's new assistant!

The next one is a follow up to a previous commission 

Cherry is still hypnotized and Shurelya orders her to take care of all of the dirty laundry. Cherry takes a basket and loads it into the washing machine.

While  this is happening, Shurelya’s not focusing, daydreaming and loving the  situation. As she turns to leave, Cherry grabs her by the back of her  shirt, Shurelya drops the necklace. Cherry sees the clothes Shurelya’s  wearing as dirty laundry, so she throws Shurelya into the washing  machine with the rest of the clothes.
As Cherry turns to walk away,  she steps on the necklace, breaking it, and the trance she’s been in.  When the succubus realizes this, she decides it’s time for some payback.
When  the washing machine is done, Cherry drags Shurelya out of it and into a  dryer. Shurelya’s too soaked and dazed to fight back. After that, she  gets pulled through a manual wringer, with Cherry spinning the crank.
Finally,  Shurelya has her flattened self put on an ironing board, her clothes  taken off except a colorful bra and some panties. She’s then ironed even  flatter, turned more into a rectangular shape.
Ending with Cherry  holding up a giant rectangular Shurelya. Shurelya’s eyes are still in a  swirling daze, blushing. Cherry’s looking down at her looking all smug.  Cherry ends it by saying how she’s going to enjoy having a warm and  fresh blanket to sleep with.

Made few changes here and there, but the overall story remains, Feel bad for Shurelya though, that must've been painful

All in all, hope you enjoy!