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Hey guys, remember I said something about a birthday bonus at the start of the year?

Well, basically just a couple of people used it, so I decided to give a last chance to drop it or record it

I made a google form for it https://forms.gle/GFoeaaXkF1HXGzt37

I won't be tackling them right away since I still need to tackle the upgrades and schedule art.

In any case, it's something simple, but again, better than nothing?

Remember, this is only for those who have supported me for 6+ months



ah im not sure how long ive been supporting (i did stop for one month so im not sure how that would show on your end)


Thank you for this system! My birthday's all the way in December, so felt uncomfortable snagging a BD request from you until the year looped around again - but since you clarified under Manny's question, this is appreciated.


I submitted mine 👍


Didn't mention it at the time, but I submitted mine yesterday.