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I'm sure some of you have heard some buzz about Unity (the game engine Rack 2 is using). If you haven't, the short story is that Unity is rolling out an extremely exploitative and ridiculous monetization model that's especially bad for indie developers of F2P games - and importantly, they intend to apply it retroactively, to games already made (or in development) using the old licensing model.

Needless to say, this blows, and everyone (including me) is extremely upset about it. Several developers and publishers have spoken out against Unity, and many people are abandoning the engine moving forward - some even pausing development on current Unity projects.

For the time being, I'm waiting with some tempered (and slighlty pessimistic) hope to see if Unity walks the decision back. I definitely won't be using the engine for future projects, even if they do, but I'd obviously prefer that R2 doesn't get stuck in development any longer than it needs to. Porting, at this point, would be a nightmare.

Anyway, I'll keep you guys posted as we learn more. No matter what happens, this won't affect Rack 1, Midnight Fireworks, Bedplay, Pawstitution, or Spellbound; none of those games use Unity!



I saw a posting that sounds like they might be backpedaling faster than the last winning rowing team in the Olympics


Even if they backpedal their trust is gone and I say we all just use Unreal and others now. If Unity did a model of lets say.. "Every purchase of any game that uses their engine/Software being used a 20 cents charge would go to Unity." That would of made more sense. But install? The people behind the thought process of that are literally mentally deranged or not in reality.


we've already waited over 2 years for an update. Someone grab me when half life 3 comes out and the rack 2 update probably wont be far behind.


didnt think you were even working on rack 2 I mean no offense, but you havent done anything to it that has translated to us in what 3 yrs? or is there an updated version I have missed? cuz last one was 2020 mate.


Been a minute since the last rack 2 update is there any progress we havent heard about since april you made it sound like the update was almost done i think i speak for everyone in asking is there anything NEW you can tell us


Gotta admit its been a few years so i figured I'd toss him a bit more money and download a new version for my new computer rather than just toss the old one over. Turns out its still the same version. I get that they are juggling multiple projects and as a CPAP user myself Im super glad they got a CPAP, but it's basically vaporware at this point until a new update actually happens.


Don't worry about the unity install fee thing. It doesn't apply to any games made in the current versions of the engine. So as long as you don't upgrade to the next Unity LTS release which is due to come out in 2024, you can continue development on Rack 2 for as long as you want without owing those scoundrels any extra money.


Its been almost 2 months since fek has said anything on the patreon what is going on


Ello first time supporter here, just curious on what's going to happen to Rack 2 since it's been 2 month since this post was made and I've heard that Unity backpeddled a bit on the changes. Is the development continuing or is it still in limbo atm Fek?


Eyo! Unity backpedaled (for now) - I'll be continuing to finish out R2 in Unity, but then I certainly won't be using it for any future projects, just to be safe. (Frankly, I'll most likely stick to 2D games for at least a while after I finish R2; 3D burned me out much faster than I expected)


Hopefully Unity gets their act together, I was looking into learning that engine myself