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- The preferences/fetishes framework is complete. Only a few fetishes/preferences are available, for testing, but the system is complete. You can toggle the debug display with F2 to see how the test subject is reacting to their experience.

- You can now see a list of each test subject's most prominent preferences in the test subject selection menu. You can also see how heavily they weigh each category of preferences: attraction, experiences, and sensations.

- The emote framework is in place, with a handful of test emotes. This framework is not polished, and you will probably see lots of emotes at incorrect times.

- The specimen production framework is complete. Test subjects will now produce different kinds of specimen based on how you interact with them:

- Canidine (red): Produced when a test subject is experiencing something familiar and safe. For maximum canidine production, use a preferred fetish/toy, a partner they find attractive, and give the subject a no-surprises sexual experience.

- Felinium (orange): Produced when a test subject is trying new things. For maximum felinium production, try to indulge a subject's latent (or secret) fetishes and preferences, or introduce them to a toy they've never used before. 

- Lapinine (yellow): Produced when a test subject receives uninhibited sexual gratification. For maximum lapinine production, try to achieve orgasm as quickly and as frequently as possible.

- Scalium (green): Produced when a test subject experienes pain, overstimulation, or a sexual experience they dislike. For maximum scalium production, find a test subject who enjoys pain/overstimulation, or hire a paid research subject and give them an unfavorable sexual experience.

- Equimine (blue): Produced when a test subject is edged out over long, drawn out sexual experiences. For maximum equimine production, try to hold the subject near the edge of orgasm for a long time before giving them release.

- Avium (purple): Produced when a test subject feels gratification from being sexually useful to someone else. For maximum avium production, find a test subject who enjoys satisfying their partner, then use them to achieve your own orgasm.

- The objective tracking framework is in place, and test subjects will all spawn with a couple of objectives, for testing.

- We have reached a deal with Mick Ono to use sergals in Rack 2.

- A "hands-free automatic" control mode has been added.

- I have set up a multithreading framework, which will finally allow me to move some of the CPU-intensive functions onto separate threads, improving game performance. The only thing that is currently operating on a thread is the objectives tracker, but I'd eventually like to move some of the more expensive behavior onto threads. I'd especially like to move IK to its own thread, since it's the most expensive operation right now, but that may require a tremendous amount of work rewriting/modifying the IK plugin I use.

- Known bug/issue: after updating Unity, the lightmap needed to be rebuilt, and I've baked it at a lower quality so I can get a build out before I fly out of town. As a result, the lighting may look a little strange, especially in the test rooms.

- A few bugs have been fixed:

- 0000135: [Bugs] Threads continue running after application exit, causing crashes on next start

- 0000116: [Bugs] Segfault on exit

- 0000124: [Bugs] Game hangs when quitting

- 0000134: [Bugs] Inertia tensor must be greater than zero

- Please continue to report bugs at: http://furry.science/reportabug

Download Links:

WARNING: The links below contain ADULT CONTENT, and should not be accessed by minors or anyone who cannot legally view said content.

MAC/LINUX USERS: I have absolutely no idea if these builds work. I plan on getting my hands on proper testing rigs at some point, but for the time being, I'm just shooting out blind builds. Please let me know if you are able to get the game running.

WINDOWS 64-bit:  https://mega.nz/#!9YRQkRwS!CbAE86yfNcMdngXYvLM84ZJlgXG3Um6KCUp6e9FOlK0 

WINDOWS 32-bit:  https://mega.nz/#!ddATFCTY!pYaJcHct9pX9Y1yb7acnqoRxrPFhP8cu6H3Q_lZXQVg  

MAC:  https://mega.nz/#!gIQjlDQS!F2oVTFIYTSc8txzCg3BFCK2wj36LXokf6lksclR82Fk  

LINUX:  https://mega.nz/#!oZxCmZjZ!2eglTayGM4f-YbUQuqlNrOxi7ljuuwo0mAnh1G2PRvs  




YES! Love sergals. Not even into vote, just love their expressions. Fek you're the best!


Love you Fek, keep it up!


nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu still stuck in loading screen :_:


Wait, where do you put custom characters for test subjects?


First complaint I have is that can no longer have characters with genital sizes beyond the game's limits. That's a shame.


For what it's worth, that wasn't broken *intentionally*, and will eventually be a supported feature


i have been working on trying to construct my char a bit better each update but i can't quite get it just yet. It is a rather fun side project aside from just checking out the game.


its harder to make money now


Yep! I strongly recommend using the "/money" console command until the game is finished / balanced

Bloudin Ruo

Hey Fek, just had some trouble moving characters from 1.8 to 1.9. The file directory where everything should have been was empty, but when I loaded up 1.8 everything showed up in game. So using the 'open game files' button from within the game itself brought me to a filespace that was populated with everything, but didn't have an actual path leading to it. I could copy and move files from there though, so I got my characters at least moved over. When I tried to move my saves it didn't register the new files and continues to display only my new character save from 1.9, even though I can import my old models into it. The lab layout is also halfway there because my save only had access to the base lab equipment that comes in it by default. I know about the money cheat, is there a research cheat too so I can get my.... Lab.... Back to its original glory? Thanks!


Linux build works fine. The only issue I have isn't OS specific AFAIK. When the game lags a bit and then catches up, it registers a whole lot of movement at once, which causes pain and unhappy clients. Besides that, super smooth.

Jim Nobody

How do you use sex toys on females? I have an objective with a client I can't meet because of it.


How do you do the money command?


it just crashes when loading some npc types mainly receptionist's


"hands-free automatic" control mode has been added.


anyone else having an issue in game where the 1 key does not work haha


Fek am I able to specify if clients have plantigrade feet yet? : ( Cant stand paws


Play the game. Make money. Buy the machine that makes 'em.


An issue with the automatic mode: Your character doesnt seem to get driven to climax when using it unless you're moving the mouse around.


This version seems to be consuming an insane amount of memory for me, even causing my whole computer to shut off after extended use. Previous versions don't seem to have this issue.


Is it just me or does everything look like it has a sheen of an oil slick over it? Rainbow colors and all that?


So the game keeps telling me "The game just crashed! Tell the developer about it" so I am. Tried deleting the game and re-unpacking it and it keeps happening. It happens everytime I try to make a new character/load the failed created character.


Electro stimulation fetish would be awesome :D


Will humans be available in the future?


<3 glad to see more progress!


Hellooo muthafucka. Stellar progress as usual if I do say so myself. Weird question, does cunnilingus exist yet? Does it have to be unlocked? Just seems like one of the really basic things you'd expect to be in before anything more complicated. But i'm an unenlightened peasant so I don't know better. Also, more legit question, is there vaginal fingering? I wouldn't know, because selecting it causes my character to fly out of the room.


I think this is only a problem when being penetrated by the subject. To be honest I kinda like it though.


Did you delete the files in LocalLow on your computer?


Nvm, the file wasn't created until I opened the game a few times for some reason...


I've noticed that the music causing the game to freeze is now a critical gameplay bug as it causes interactions to instantly jump, causing pain. This results in accidental pain which leads to a client that you can never please after the accidental pain. Also, the inability to use toys on female genitals, licking, or prodding makes female clients more or less impossible.


Will we be able to edit the emote dialogue?


Interestingly, my experience is exactly opposite - memory use has been reduced and does not increase. What is your environment? I am running under Linux, and 0.1.9 takes about 700M less than 0.1.8 at startup, and 0.1.8 would steadily increase until it hit about 13G total (to be fair: 8G of that is video card RAM).


The threading work seems to be paying off under Linux - 0.1.8 would usually run about 230% (out of 800% - 8 cores), 0.1.9 runs 350%.


Would there be any way of knowing exactly how the new Experience and Preferences values work? I'd like to be able to modify values for testing and stuffs.


How in the hell do I get toys? xD


A suggestion: it might be nice to have a "ghost" key to allow switching on/off the ghost of the player's avatar no matter what: I have problems finding a viewpoint that allows me to see the subject and the displays without having my avatar switch out of ghost mode, blocking my view of what is going on.


I was surprised with some of the things you threw into the update, like the test subjects finally having something to say and stability improvements! I feel that a lot of love went into this update (not that there wasn't any in any others!) I am looking forward to seeing how else you will fit in various other fetishes, like pain, lactation, and many other niche fetishes! But I got a feeling that before you can work on any of the niche stuff, you gotta focus on the stuff that makes the game, and I understand. You do you, Fek, and I look forward to more updates. <3


you gotta buy the crafting stations from the requisitions guy and make the toys there. I think there is only one dildo and two types of cock rings at the moment.\


Can confirm the linux build is working beautifully. The only issue I'm seeing is that when I interact with clients, I don't seem to be able to rotate the camera anymore. I'm going to experiment with a few options and if I find it's specific to a setting I'll let you know.


Is THAT what's doing that? I also had no idea those things weren't even in yet. Really i'd even go so far to say things like toys shouldn't even be in if they can't be used on someone.


Just a quick question is it normal that on client generation the RAM ussage skyrockets to 12+ GB and stays there no matter waht you do or how long you wait? (When I start a 2nd round the Game crashes due to windows closing random processes because there is no more aviable RAM)


It is running well. For the next build can you possibly start working on player being the test subject?


This build has started doing weird "lagging stuff" - while up to 0.17 at least I was running "smoothly" through the game (lower, but smooth FPS). As of 0.19, when running around, the performance is the same, however when interacting with clients the game "stutters" - for a second all goes well, then it hangs for a split second, then it catches up, then it hangs....and so on. A negative side effect of this is that the stimulation seems to be tied to framerate in some way, so on the stutter the pleasure drops abruptly to zero and then jumps to "painful levels" before stabilizing on normal level.


Figured out how to get the 1.9 to work, had to turn several ig settings off because they were just too sensitive, works though


I'm having difficulty trying to find the people that I saved for later. I am enjoying the game but really wish you could keep the character in ghost form during the foreplay/sex/everything dealing with the characters. Seems the only thing I can do is mount, get mounted, blowjob, clit teasing, fingering anus, and anal. I try to click the fingering pussy but there is no action nor response. I'm also trying to figure out how to respond to the test subjects.


As fek mentioned previously, a LOT of things have yet to be implemented, you can add toys to that but you need to do some things before you can make them


Hey there I've been a big fan of Rack for a while and even 1.9 Rack 2 build is coming along great but is there anyway to make the camera rotate when with a partner/ subject because ( if I'm honest I like angles) and I can't see the screens that tell you how the other person's doing because the chair and there feet. Also can you really change the subject's/partner's position in the chair?


Hey I'm just curious, my lovely computer (piece of crap that is somehow alive) is having more than a few "issues" running the game because of well... my computer sucks lol. I tried lowering the graphics settings as low as i can but the rest of the stuff i need to lower want me to restart the game to get them to stay. However i can't manage to get the thing to restart so to lower the graphics to its absolute lowest :/


How exactly does one unlock the sex toys? I'm having trouble figuring out how to get them in order to full-fill client requests.


Hit F while interacting, then wasd to move the camera


I think only the cock ring and dildo are the only toys that are available at this point, but the "research interface" is what you would be accessing to unlock lab equipment/toys to purchase in the requisitions area.


need to research Material Synthesis Bay and buy the lab equipment to get it. you may have to use the money cheat described in earlier comments for an answer.

Shut Up And Take My Likes!

For some reason, my PC security software keeps registering this game as 'ransomware'. wtf


where do you get the dilido and cock ring i cant find them?


For some reason when i try to start a new game the receptionist doesnt speak to me and i cant get the keycard. Also there is a large red box up in the top left corner stating that a translation is missing and near the bottom it shows a faint text saying missing: objectives. Ive tried to redownload the game and make new characters with each new build but im getting a little frustrated because nothing is working. Can someone help me XD


You have to make them after researching dildos and cock rings after you research the material synthesis bay.


I really am enjoying this game. I am having difficulty getting certain ones but I think I found a good "type" to harvest. I just hope I can transfer my save so my efforts aren't wasted. Thank you for making this game. I hope to see more.


how do i download latest version


Some of the menu sounds, sound a lot like the Star Citizen launcher sound.


Lower settings in game. Quit game. At main menu, close game. Reboot game. Settings should now save. There's an issue at the moment where if you try to load your character again after quitting it hangs forever.


Technically already are. Just gotta change your head type in the character creator.


Mac build is working great! No issues with freezing, and I was able to keep all my saves. With the preferences framework, is there a way to make it visible during their session? I keep forgetting what their preferences are and mess myself up a bit lol. Two more things: one, my game occasionally lags, which only messes me up during a session. Despite being careful, once it lags I'll very suddenly overstimulate a client, which drops their satisfaction drastically and it doesn't improve no matter what I do. And last, this is just kind of a general question, what's "orgasm timing" and how do I make it work better? It doesn't show up until I do it badly, and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong lmao. Thanks for all your hard work, I'm really enjoying having a fun sex game that's challenging and has a lot to do, and it's exciting to see all the improvements you're making!


Yea I've tried various things in order to figure out the whole "Orgasm Timing" thing and nothing I do really changes that. I'd also like to know what it is and how it works.


I'm loving the progress, but wonder a little about that occasional lag spike that causes you to injure clients a little too much.. (like, every single one of them got hurt.. that's a downer). Is there any idea of when this will be addressed or how high it is on the priority list?

Aaron Neumann

I'm running Windows 10 x84 bit... and somethings a bit screwy as I'm getting numerous non-response notices. :\

Aaron Neumann

Ok, double checked my ststem and my windows 10 is x64 bit but it has been acting screwy with latency... also got a few crash dumps for you.


not work. Game stop loading on moment load new game


Hmm... when interacting, the vibration controls on the rings vanish, only way I found to reinstate them, is to reboot the game O.o?<br><br>Resorted to setting them up and leaving them alone, or they vanish before I get to have any fun


Any plans to include more species? Specifically extinct and sea creatures such as sharks.


You might wan't to add more instruction to the game it got a little confusing.


How do I craft? My research module is blank


Great game! Keep it UP!


I just finished the material station, but how do I place it? It seems like I can only use the grabbing tool, no button switches me over to the material station, but it shows up in my TAB garage inventory.


Not sure if you've figured it out yet, just click the down arrow.


Downloaded and tried to play, but it's just crashing. where can I send the crash file?


i cant start it plz help


cant get past loading screen


So I'm still pretty lost on how to make/get a sex toy. Anyone able to give a easy explination


Hey there, been asking for months so looked for someone who was talking about them. Would you be able to tell me how to go about making the sex toys?


After you satisfy enough clients, you use the collected chemicals to complete research (the computer next to the elevator on the bottom floor, to the right of the exit door). The Material Synthesis Station is what you're looking for. After it's researched, you need to place an order with Leonardo. Then you can make toys.


I can't get past the infinite loading screen at the beginning when I first start it up.


I can't get past the infinite loading screen at the beginning when I first start it up.


i had the same problem, try running it as adminstrator


im new but i am running in admin mode but still cant get paast the loading screen