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Ey folks! This minigame / side project is nearly complete, and you guys get to check it out first! The three main additions since the initial demo are:

Music and Audio - I buckled and scope creeped a bit! The game now has music and audio.

New Spell: Project Image - The game now begins in the Spellbound lounge, where the gang is putting on a raunchy show for charity! But with a flick of the wrist, you can suddenly send the volunteers somewhere much less private - like a crowded theater, a booming arena, or a quiet temple. Feeling particularly devious? You can pick and choose which contestants to send! Just make sure they're dressed appropriately for the new location, of course...

New Spell: Helping Hands - Two hands are better than one, but how about a couple dozen? Summon magical hands to tease, grope, jerk, spank, or tickle the contestants. Pull them from the ether and set 'em loose; they've got a mind of their own!

In addition to all that, there's also a whole bunch of general polish and cleanup in this update. Again, scope creep. It's been a nice diversion, and a fun way to avoid burnout - and I'm already starting to push some of the things I learned about teledildonics back over to Rack 2.

The one big thing missing from this build is new dialogue: the characters need some new lines for the new spells and interactions, and I'd like to write some crowd banter before the public launch. But that can all come later - for now, enjoy!

https://fek.onl/spellbound/beta/ (NSFW - Adult Content)

Oh, and by the way. You guys are all pretty cool. If you ever need to give your hand a break for... reasons... try out the konami code. It'll be our little secret.




oaky I finally got my bluetooth adapter and set up my stuff for my PC. The only problem is that every time I load the game, Chrome tells me there was an error loading up the sex toy api, and when I try to find my toy in-game, it says unable to connect to this toy, try another one. Now, I would've settled it at that, assuming it wasn't supported, but I found it in the list of supported toys on the buttplug.io compatibility list. Any ideas? edit: Now I even downloaded and set up Intiface for buttplug.io, and the connection problem persists. Everything, including my device's firmware, is up to date

Kiba Pawsome (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-28 01:03:44 Awesome game I like it <3
2023-02-24 18:31:22 Awesome game I like it <3

Awesome game I like it <3

William Grimes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-27 16:45:24 One of the best games I've played from you &lt;3 hope to see more added to it sometime in the future! Wouldn't mind seeing the ability to swap characters out.
2023-06-09 22:51:54 One of the best games I've played from you <3 hope to see more added to it sometime in the future! Wouldn't mind seeing the ability to swap characters out.

One of the best games I've played from you <3 hope to see more added to it sometime in the future! Wouldn't mind seeing the ability to swap characters out.


Konami Code???


If suggestions are welcome, I have a few ideas for some quality of life improvements. sometimes it's difficult to choose the correct participant because of hitbox overlap, is it possible to have a toggle for showing miniature target portraits, either above or below the participants, where the hitbox is very clear and easy to click? this would be useful for "One Participant" targeting, I've had a few instances where I waste charges of a spell because I hit the overlap between hitboxes and hit the same participant a second time. for spells that target characters and can be upcast to include numerous characters, such as Sudden Climax, Project Image, (maybe) Helping Hands, in the case where the number of targets exceeds the number of participants, maybe have a button to automatically select all participants? if the targets does not succeed the participants, maybe the auto select button could simply choose a random selection of the valid participants? this would apply to helping hands very well, IE getting 34 targets, clicking 4 times to evenly distribute 4 hands each on the 8 valid participants, then once more to randomly assign the last two


Aside from these, I really love this experiment/game/toy/exhibitionism simulator, and I especially love the interactions and dialogues, I think you did a wonderful job with this whole thing, it's very cute to play with


It's a common cheat code in video games! (Up up, down down, left right, left right, A B)


Ah ok. And you hid that cheat code in your game, right?

Luís (Vellum)

Can I just point out how fucking adorable everyone’s tickled faces are? Tickling’s not really my thing, but damn they are adorable when it happens


Very cool to see this project. Glad it helps to avoid a burnout, had one sometime ago and really is for the best if you avoid it all costs.

Aaron Neumann

How do I use this anyway? In addition, every time I tried to use the Waive Routine, the game kind of bugs out.


This is awesome, but also bug report. The Automatic weave when I try to cast it normally softlocks the game, with the timer counting up infitely and it asks me to pick a target. The Chastity Hex decays at roughly double the rate of other effects. And casting metamagic resets the timer instead of adding to it like most effects.


Ey, thank you for the reports! All bugs now fixed on beta; turns out the lust hex had the same problem as chastity!


Woop - Weave Routine was bugged! It's been fixed now on beta, should be back up and running. And to use the konami code cheat, just hit those keys in order once the game has started! (Using the arrow keys and A/B on your keyboard). It'll enable automatic mana regeneration and several hours of Weave Routine.


Out of curiosity, are we ever going to get the individual character models as images?


I hadn't considered it, but I can probably whip those up, yeah!

Ben Thomas

people have asked you

Ben Thomas

When are interactive female characters coming?


Pretty likely to be one of the first things I add if I do a post-launch update for this minigame / expand on it at all!

Ben Thomas

Thanks, I am looking forward to milking, teasing and tormenting that female lynx.


last spell freezes game


It runs best when it runs on the GPU! In some browsers (especially Chrome), it's easy to accidentally disable Hardware Acceleration, which prevents the game from using the GPU. I'm gonna try to get an automatic catch for that in an update


This is such a cute little game. Will it be available for Download?

Ben Thomas

So, how's development on Spellbound going? I asked a while ago when that female lynx would be accessible, and because of how long it's been i wanted to see how close we are to that possibility. I may sound very forward and maybe even offensive, if so i apologise.