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- The vaginal penetration framework is up and running. You can now fuck vaginas. This interaction is not final.
- The oral framework is up and running, along with some IK modifications required by the framework. You can now suck dicks and swallow cum. This interaction is not final.
- For testing purposes, you now gather specimen automatically while interacting with a test subject. Eventually, you will gather different types of specimen by interacting with the subject in different ways. Right now, it all just goes up at the same rate, automatically.
- You can convert specimen into chemicals by using the centrifuge in the research room.
- You can now enter the research interface by using the VR pad in the research room.
- While in the research interface, you can move around to various research hotspots and spend your chemicals to solve patterns. Solving patterns will reward you with money, more chemicals of a specific type, or (eventually) new technology / toys / gadgets. Right now, there isn't much real content yet - I'm just setting up the framework.
- Set up some proper bug tracking software. http://furry.science/reportabug/
- Fixed several bugs.

Download Links:

WARNING: The links below contain ADULT CONTENT, and should not be accessed by minors or anyone who cannot legally view said content.

MAC/LINUX USERS: I have absolutely no idea if these builds work. I plan on getting my hands on proper testing rigs at some point, but for the time being, I'm just shooting out blind builds. Please let me know if you are able to get the game running.

WIN64: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/4ku38cjn9pzii6i/RACK2_v013_WIN64.zip

LINUX: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/sqtb3wopaobof6x/RACK2_v013_LINUX.zip

MAC: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/nyg9b6n34kxnro2/RACK2_v013_MAC.zip




What has happened to the 32bit version? Usually you post it


thank you fek


Crashed the first time, loaded second time after a 30 second wait, minimized itself while loading with a grey screen, brought it back up and it was loaded at the main menu, any idea how to move save character data over?


Had lots of fun solving the patterns! Keep up the great work Fek!


I'm really bad at English and bug reporting but I managed to get the bug where the penis disappears. You create your character without any genital checkboxes checked, like no penis or vagina or boobs. Then you check penis and create your character again, and after that when you try to change the sex organ options the whole thing disappears and you have to restart the game. Sorry for not using the bug reporter!


Is there a way to scroll down the preference sheet to get to the things like toy preferences and such?


Deleting the user settings or the Rack 2 folders in Users/locallow makes the game run again and no crashes. The user settings and saved characters crash the game once again.


Grade A work Fek! Game is even better then before!!!!! :3 Thank you for the hard work!!!


When I stored specimen - it crashed (while storing)

Shivers the Tigerfox

Love this!!! I almost expect to turn into a ball and start rolling around the room XD


Maby i missed something in the TUT but how do you find out what clients want performed for their payment?


It has not been implemented yet. Mainly you can get coins from doing the research work. Till then you can't truly satisfy clients yet.


Ok, thanks! Thought that may have been the case, and now... Research Challenge Accepted.


One question and two feedback items (second will be an edit after testing) Q: Should I anticipate keeping my character file to future versions, or just make something generic with OK random colors until later? 1) Linux system info (no privileges usermode commands, 'shell out' to run these): grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo | head -n 1 ; grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo ; xrandr; glxinfo Edit: I noticed that you seem to already be getting the XrandR info. This collects the CPU model (but only the first socket), the quantity of memory, the types of video output reported by the hardware and the possible (and current) resolution of attached displays, finally it collects the entire glxinfo dump because this contains the driver information, version, and supported OpenGL level it reports. Your debug log should probably collect this platform data, and also report the current render-window size one second AFTER the last change in window size. 2) Currently works on a 64 bit ArchLinux desktop with not-quite-bleeding-edge mesa-git and the open source driver for AMD's GCN 1.2 chips.

Bill Clinton

hell yeah thank you Fek!


just a question eventually will you be adding a lot more animal types?


its party time :D


Yep! Phase 3 is when most of the content will be created; I'm still just setting up frameworks


Cant play it keeps freezing during the loading screen when making a character -_-* help


You broke it. Game keeps crashing during pleasure self


Deleting the user settings or the Rack 2 folders in Users/locallow makes the game run again and no crashes. The user settings and saved characters crash the game once again.


Deleting the user settings or the Rack 2 folders in Users/locallow makes the game run again and no crashes. The user settings and saved characters crash the game once again. This may be your problem if you had the game before.


PS, for Linux users, don't forget that you (again in this version) need to purge your previous game data. rm -r ~/.config/unity3d/Fek/* I figure this is something Fek already wants to work on, but I literally have zero idea what I'm trying to do in the virtual material world. You can figure out walking in to the areas to expand the hex dots with trial and error... but figuring out what sort of thing to do with the patterns is entirely outside of discover-able limits. I need something that looks like a goal, some clue of where to start/stop, or even what I'm trying to do. I was expecting some kind of bridge-building mini-game.


The minigame is actually a sort of hexagonal minesweeper. Pick the Specimen type with 1-6, then place some on the "screen". If you see a number inside the hexagon that means X amount of tiles away is one to discover. A 1 means an adjacent tile is one you need, 2 means 2 tiles over is one, etc. etc. You just need to drop enough to figure out where the ones are you want. Once you have all tiles of a specific color the numbers will vanish and empty out. That means you need to do the next color.


game isn't loading, ive done what i needed to do with other versions and still isnt getting past the first loading screen. any ideas with what the problem could be?


for some reason bear characters never come up for me, even if it's the only slider all the way over to the right. VP looks good though.


Keep up the good work :D


How do you load a favorite character as a test subject? (rather, how do you load a saved character as a test subject? )


Amazing job fek, Keep it up


great job fek, can't wait to see fetishes put into the game :D Also anyone know how to take off clothing on your character? One more thing, might I make a suggestion that you add an automatic mode... ones wrist gets quite tired after a while moving the mouse to interact with.


Keeps crashing after choosing a test subject


two builds in one month, WOW.


well what this thing for?


I'm pretty pleased with the progress, too. You can take the clothes off next to the shower where you change clothes. Simply drag the text from the right (next to the clothing on the figure) back to the inventory or locker.


just downloaded the game and each time i get through the tour the action menu starts growing and shrinking and the game freezes and eventually crashes. I have tried multiple video quality settings with the same result. any ideas?


So... just joined, and HOLY SHIT. This... this is nifty. Fek, you're a mad genius, and I think I love you for it. If the current build is indicative of where the project is leading, count on me staying in.


he uploaded two builds this month already. He is just getting framework done and he did it pretty fast. The next part is the rest of it, then goodies! :D


Question, how do you get your own character aroused enough for penetration? Been trying random buttons and slogging through menus, but I still get the same result, the game says I'm not arroused enough


there's a button, bottom left, over your own arousal bar. Click and hold, and do the thing with the mouse.


oh hey look at that, wasn't there two patches ago


well then looks like I have a new issue, everytime I hit pleasure self, the ass end of the person sitting in the rack dissapears, the game chokes, and then crashes... if no one else has this issue then, welp, guess my build isn't as powerful as I thought


I can foresee an easter egg... jack it at a coworker, they fit you with a collar with one of those collectors in it, and maybe another device, if they like you. If they don't, well... :D


Curious about something and I don't know if it's possible but Fek couldn't you add more details to genitals? Currently vagina's really don't show a clitoris, you really don't see them unless you're character is a herm/futa. Also be nice if you could see the urethra on male and female characters. Besides that I hope you have plans to add more customization options like different types of penises, there are currently only 4 types atm, human, dog, tapered and horse. I hope to see more options in the future.


When you wear your pants while having an erection, your pants will bulge. I'm happy with this tiny feature


I kind of feel like my pledge is a waste. I have not been able to run this game after selecting a rack subject (for the last two updates). It freezes when it goes back to my character. I have tried every quality speed. I have also removed all the old files. I love the concept and everything about it but I want to play what I pay for... Any help?


Yep yep - can shoot you a refund! Most of the polish / optimization will be happening in phase 4, which is still a good way away. :3


Is there a way to put the pants back on after interacting with the subject?


Hey Fek! Tried this out in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and it works well. Still running some further test for ya but it does work!


I am sooo digging that mini game with the research! Seriously... the vagina and that research game made this update SO worth waiting for!


Now if only we can drag our fellow employees in there.. call it "internal testing" ;)


Still getting an infinite loading screen upon startup :(.


I really like Rack2 so far! :) Would be nice to see me fucking the subject with pants on. Just with the zipper open.


Fek, is there any way of editing a test subject? Or loading a saved character as a test subject? Even console commands would help. We know the game is unfinished and don't mind jumping through hoops.


This could be really stupid of me to ask but, is there any way to actually get the money from the clients? And is there actually anyway to save the game?


The game saves automatically. And there is a "Paid research" mini game thing along with all the other research options when you get to a certain point.


For me it keeps crashing right after I select a test subject to put in Room 1 ... Everything runs just fine before that.


Very promising work... your prior apps have been excellent so I'm glad to support you through Patreon for R2. Couple questions/comments... Q) when interacting you've got the camera motion very limited, are you thinking about an upgrade path to allow more camera motion or free motion (maybe some research upgrade?). C) There are some artifacts in some of the animations apparently caused by collision detection (balls seem to be challenging), but for such an early beta the graphics are very clean. Q) Have you ever thought about a 'training' framework? I wondered about this on your first Rack... that with a training framework you could have some items too large to use in certain ways without prior 'training'. I've seen this used in other erotic games to great effect (helps pace the game, provides additional goal/reward options). C) Good luck... from all the placeholders in the Rack2 environment it looks like you've got a LOT of work to do.


There is a Free camera mode if you press F when you're interacting with a subject, otherwise yeah this shits pretty good i'm also happy to support this project!


Couple other noticed oddities: When you use the mouse to adjust any slider the pointer position is changed to center of screen on mouseup. On the elevator, when you reach the bottom (and presumably the top though I've not checked), it looks like 90 degrees is added to the view pitch(up/down). If you're looking down when you hit the bottom then it makes you look forward... but if you've adjusted the view to forward in transit you end up looking at the sky.


So far haven't been able to play the game and it's making me upset. I got into the game once, was in the process of creating a character, and it freezes so I have to restart my computer.


^Now every time I try to play the game, it is stuck on a loading screen and will never EVER advance.


Is there a way to use any chemicals other than the red one in the research interface?


Hi FEK I have a little played one and could then came create a Carakter up to the lobby but in the locker room was unfortunately supply being screen has remained standing and no reaction.


I'm getting the same problem or worst, the game crashes as it makes the subjects before i can select one.


Can one tell me how the key assignment is?


Hey Fek, firstly great job! If i didn't know better Id say this was a vary early alpha. Cant wait for 0.1.4! Secondly i wanted to ask if there was a chance of you posting a rundown of the xml file editing. Specifically what sort of number system do you use. Is it 0 to 1 or some other system?


So I have a question, what are you supposed to do with the "cummies" that you obtain? I go into the research center and enter this orb type thing and I can place only the red type into some various areas but what does it do if anything? I have completely filled up a couple of them with red type but I don't see it actually accomplishing anything. Also can somebody explain why some have numbers inside them and other have the type symbol in them?


You're playing minesweeper, basically. The numbers denote how many hexes away a node of that color is, and your goal is to fill all the marked secret hexes with their color. Switch colors with 1-6


Oh, and when you get all the hexes of a certain color, the numbers go away.


Is there any point to it so far or is that it added?


Can't unzip game, says 'could not open archive, may be damaged.'


it does at the end, and I get the .exe but it says error again when trying to start it


do you have anyway to get one of these older versions of rack?