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First of all, THANK YOU!I still wake up every morning in disbelief that this is really what I get to do for a living. It seems like just days ago that I was scrapping by on a dayjob I hated, struggling to pay down medical bills, and constantly worried [rightly] that my job wouldn't be around forever.

The fact that you guys support me while I work on these games is amazing. It's fucking mindblowing. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I am the luckiest motherfucker on the planet. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you.

To celebrate, I've worked out something fun: a R2CK-themed art piece by Ruaidri!

Patreon doesn't allow raffles, but they don't have any rules against voting, so the plan is to round up a bunch of potential characters, then have patrons vote on their favorites. The top four will be included in a Rack-themed picture with fek, where they can serve as either a scientist or a test subject.

If you would like your character to be in the picture, head on over tothis FurAffinity journal!



I would say hell yes but I don't really have a drawing of my character yet but maybe I will after today maybe.


Hey congratulations on 10K

Lord Kiyo

Yeah, its amazing how lucky you are. :D However remember, good things often come to an end. So make sure you save the majority of what you earned. And keep in mind what kind of job you could get if that time ever does come. Not to be a downer, I just know how life can be, and looking out for you.


Congratulations on the milestone! Rather disappointed by the rules around the character submissions for the art, though.


Reference sheet is just a write out of the species, right?


Oh, wait, I just noted that a "reference sheet" has involved in meaning to mean art page of a character. Yeah, I won't be joining in. Congrats though. Glad to be a supporter.