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- You can now open up a test subject selection interface by talking to the NPC at the Client Management Center (just past the showers). The test subjects are randomly generated (some of your preferences are taken into consideration, but some aren't working yet).

- You can assign a randomly generated test subject to a rack chair and they will be placed into the chair.

- You can now enter interaction mode when near a test subject in a rack chair. While in interaction mode, you can select various tools, then click hotspots to interact with them. None of the interactions are actually working yet.

- I have set up some basic IK framework for interacting with hotspots. You can see a little bit of this work by using the hand tool to interact with a male subject's penis. This is not finished.

- Herm genitals (dick + vagina, no balls) are working. Herm genitals with balls might still be coming, but I need to see how the penetration system works before I can make any promises.

- Character load time has been improved.

- Characters can now be generated with random decals.

- Fixed an eye clipping bug.

- Fixed a bug where volume would get set to zero during the new player sequence.

- Fixed some bugs with pants clipping on certain types of legs/feet.

Download Links:

WARNING: The links below contain ADULT CONTENT, and should not be accessed by minors or anyone who cannot legally view said content.

KNOWN BUG: You may need to manually delete your old save data if you run into freezing/crashing during character load screens.


: When you create a new save file, the rack chair will not spawn properly in the lab room. You will need to restart the game once to make it spawn.

Win. 32-bithttps://dl.dropbox.com/s/k6bypsjixss9yfl/R2CK_0_0_11_WIN32.zip

Win. 64-bithttps://dl.dropbox.com/s/thcbsndee5055qp/R2CK_0_0_11_WIN64.zip






Hello Fek, after speaking with "Neopold" the client managment npc, There is a loading screen " loading test character 1/6". that will stay there for about 18 seconds. after that the screen goes black with a blue pointer, pressing tab brings up a glimpse of a menu before disappearing into darkness 0.25 seconds later. Pressing escape only generates a menu sound. seems to be a dead end. have to restart game after talking to npc and going through this.


Hey Fek, I get stuck on the initial loading screen for a new game. It gets stuck trying to load "NPC - clientmanager".


Having the same problem. Spoke with the client management npc, then it cuts to the loading screen for about 5 seconds with the "loading test character" dialogue, then cuts to darkness. If I hit the "esc" key, I hear an audio cue, but no visuals.


Hi Fek, the game client seems to get stuck at "Building : NPC - clientmanager " for me so I can't get into the game. Nothing seems to be hapenning except the black loading square is flashing. Tried to wait for it to pass, no luck so far.


Thanks for the heads up! What operating system?


Thanks for the heads up! What operating system?


Thanks for the heads up! What operating system?


Thanks for the heads up! What operating system?


It doesn't work for me. If I create a new character it's stuck during loading, and if I try to load my existing character all I get is black screen. Using Windows 7 64 bit.


Hi Fek. Norton Antivirus software is removing the rack2.exe saying it is infected with a virus called WS.Reputation.1. I am running Windows 10 64bit.


It works fine for me .You might need to delete your old save data if the game crashes on startup. On windows, the save data can be found at: \AppData\LocalLow\Fek\Rack 2_ Furry Science\


It's not a virus, Norton is just telling you that it doesn't have a record of the program in it's database, so it doesn't think you should trust it.

Lord Kiyo

Everything thing seemed to go fine till I talked to an NPC to load a test subject. It loads for a second and then just goes to black and does nothing. I am running a Windows 07 64 bit.


me too :( have a black bug :( i am on win 7 64


found a fix for me, delete ALL files including the AppData files and reinstall the new version. made a new character and everything is working now.


once I got it running I went to select a subject and the screen went blank as described by Tetsuya. I closed the program and reopened it but now stuck on loading the NPC - clientmanager. I found that deleting everything in \AppData\LocalLow\Fek fixed that. I had a lot of previous versions installed. I am now able to play the game.


Confirmed, this one corrected the loading issue I was running into, seems to work fine now.

Shivers the Tigerfox

Error report when trying to load test subjects, got to 2/6 and crashed. Using Windows 10 32bit

Shivers the Tigerfox

<a href="https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiSJwITMSWQtpKdRN6oA1IsueTtuGA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiSJwITMSWQtpKdRN6oA1IsueTtuGA</a>


for those 3D models that you made for some folk, is it possible to upload them into this game?


for me, when you leave the chair, you get stuck on what ever hot spot you last touched. like say were the foot is, your stuck to that part of the chair.


Anyone happen to know where the equivalent of the \AppData\LocalLow\Fek folder would be on mac?


I CANT SEEM to play down the chair wish i had some controls on this part


i can't load any test NPCs it loads one then the screen goes black so I thought that maybe I had to make a new profile but when i try to make a new character it gets stuck in the loading screen


Yeah I am haveing the same problem with the windows 10 it lods fine till you ask to get the npc then black screen I will try a new game on it and see what happens.


From what I can tell, in order for the research subjects to load in proper the client manager needs to be re-built with the new data (ie old saves won't work), however, when loading up the game it gets stuck on the client manager. I think the load bar (or whatever you want to call it) fills up three or four times only repeating the last couple of hexes after the initial fill up then it stops.


Yeah not loding past the NPC - clientmanager at all on a new save help


I'm on Windows 7, and the game seems to hang at generating clientmanager when starting a new game. This doesn't occur when loading a save from 0.10.


Looks great so far FEK! Really excited to see this continue forward. Wanted to give you a little bit of feedback if I could. -Going into first person while around the lab causes a lot of weird camera movement/glitching. It works fine in interaction mode however. -The character creator is very powerful and awesome. However the colour and embellishment windows took me a bit of time to wrap my head around at first. You'll probably want to make a few things more obvious to the user, with tooltips or tutorial. For example explain how the masking options work (which are very cool), as well as 'Edit Palette'. -Character textures (and specifically decals placed on them) are low res even on highest settings, I think they should be upped a bit to avoid ugly/unidentifiable markings. -Decals placed on stomach are visibly split/misaligned in the centre. <a href="http://imgur.com/KbYIE9K" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/KbYIE9K</a> (Image shows both texture issues) On Windows 10 64bit -[Known Bug] I also got the black screen bug at client selection loading. I was able to fix it by deleting the R2CK appdata. -[Known Bug] I selected my first client to be put in a rack, I forgot about the warning about re-loading before the rack is first spawn. The client I chose was stuck in their tube instead of being put in the testing room, and had a bunch of graphics/physics glitching out. They disappeared when I reloaded.


I need to ask; which is better for my 64-bit processor? I've been using the 64-bit version, but I know some things are better in 32. Lol.


For me at the moment, none of the windows versions work:(


Wont load for me, just gets stuck on the Loading scree, tried reloading the 0.10 version and I get the little flags at least in the corner, 0.0.11 not even those show up, did I miss something when I tried resintalling it?


Alright, for those having difficulties, I resolved my frozen loading screen by deleting the contents of appdata's locallow/fek/ directory. Specifically, I was stuck on loading the client manager, and the log was saying "GpuProgram creation error: shader program type is unrecognised. You might have a precompiled shader asset from an old Unity version."


Well this month's dev build is a total bust. I can't do anything there's so many steps to things I have to just to get this month's dev build working. I can't tell if I'm doing something wrong or not it just wont work for me. I could see if some one would make a video on how to fix this for people that have truble with computers and have a hard time figuring them out. Don't get me wrong but when it comes to modding computer games such as this or skyrim I mess it up everytime. I don't blame anyone but myself. I have a lack of understanding and if someone did take their time typing telling where to go with detailed pictures making sure the directions were really clear and simple to follow it be worth my time but instead I try so hard that I get frustrated and just give up.


i deleted everything from Fek in my appdata\locallow and now everything works great


i did that and now the game wont even start


got in working, have to delete every single file from the previous version, everything.


Did you put this C:\Users\[your user name here]\AppData\LocalLow\Fek\Rack 2_ Furry Science into the top bar of the file explorer? where [your user name here] is your user name for when you log into your computer minus the []


How do you turn on the lights in the lab?


what do i have to delete to make it work?


Everything in this file path C:\Users\[your computer user name here]\AppData\LocalLow\Fek\Rack 2_ Furry Science.


it's still not working for me at all evon on a new game


ok it works now and looking forword to seeing more things open up and please plase do the herm with balls if all goes good.


you really gotta fix that bug where, when you delete a save file you exit the game entirely


having a bug when i ask for test subjects. The game starts loading them but then goes black screen. if i hit tab the back button in the top right and something in top left will appear for a bit but that is all.


Overall I think the lighting is too dark, could we get better lighting and/or lighting options? Hard to see the area and do Character Creation for me


be warned my antivirus stopped a trojan in the windows 64 bit files not sure who put it there but all should be aware and probably scan their computers

Artem (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-13 07:36:09 次の任務先で噂を聞き付けた敵にくすぐられてまた任務失敗→また村でお仕置きのループでどんどんくすぐり弱々くノ一になって欲しいです(о´∀`о)
2016-07-12 03:11:18 Why is there no option to create a human?

Why is there no option to create a human?


wil penetration be coming as game progresses


I think you should hire at least one person to help you out with stuff you get like 8 thousand dollars every month if patreon has not lied to me, just pay some dude 2 thousand dollars a month to help lighten the load, but hay it's just a suggestion, you do what you think is best.


He probably gets a third of that, patreons have a habit of canceling support day before they get charged then support the day after.


I'm being affected by the same issue tanner brittian is having. Windows Defender on Windows 10 is marking your game file as a Trojan.


I'm also experiencing the same problems Amphex and tanner brittian are having with your game being marked as a trojan. I know it isn't intentional, but it would be in your best interest to investigate. I'll try another antivirus program to see if it isn't Windows Defender throwing a fit over nothing, though.


soon snu-snu?


is there any documentation for the full list of controls?


Hey, just donated and I'm trying to test the mac build, but I'm running into constant crashes. Crashes while loading the game, crashes when trying to delete save files. Any tips to figure this out?


I have tried to delete all the files but it still keeps crashing on me, any tips?