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Ey folks!

With Flash's official EOL finally upon us, I've been scrambling to get all of my old games ported over to other formats. I took that opportunity to do a content update for Rack 1, and I'm happy to say that Rack v1.2.0 is ready to go!

Here's what's new:

- First and foremost, the game is now available in several downloadable formats: Windows EXE, Mac APP, AIR for Windows, AIR for Mac, SWF for offline flash players and emulators, and - wait for it... APK for Android! The game wasn't originally designed for mobile, and there's certainly some places where the interface doesn't translate cleanly, but I wanted to try to get the game running on as many new platforms as possible, since browser support is dwindling.

- A new tool has been added: the paddle. Accompanying this new toy is a pain/discomfort system, a corresponding meter on the subject monitor, and new personality preferences for test subjects.

- A new tool has been added: the livestreaming camera. This system allows you to show off your little experiments to an ever-growing audience, which will occasionally make requests that you can choose to accommodate or ignore. By keeping your fanbase happy, you'll generate extra science in the form of donations - handy!

- You can now pan the tool desk side to side with Q and E, to help pick out tools faster.

- I've changed the terminology used for nonbinary characters throughout the game, using the same terminology as Rack 2: "andromorphic female" for characters with feminine builds, breasts, and a penis, and "gynomorphic male" for characters with masculine builds, no breasts, and a vagina. Notably, some of the behind-the-scenes code is still using outdated terminology. Please let me know if I've missed any any old terminology, anywhere else, and I'll get it cleaned up.

- Fixed some bugs related to the volume controls, added new ambient audio for each stage, and added multiple volume stages instead of just on/off.

- I've fixed several bugs related to remote character loading, especially in the mobile and downloadable versions of the game. Notably, for 3rd party artists who have made custom characters: your old characters might need to be updated to be compatible with these security changes. Specifically, you'll need to find any Security.function() calls on the timeline and wrap them in a try{}catch(exc){} statement. Please feel free to contact me or check out the updated character template files for help.

- I've fixed some bugs where certain tools would inappropriately count as a handjob, in addition to their normal function.

- I've made some general tweaks to the UI and cleaned up some outdated interface bits.

Download Links:

WARNING: The links below contain ADULT CONTENT, and should not be accessed by minors or anyone who cannot legally view said content

Windows (Download and run): https://mega.nz/file/dFADxA5B#6KyVyfCM4JklSlBOqSRtzjXi849bpWvSv_RkLqaJFQA

Mac (Download and run): https://mega.nz/file/dUIlBIYB#be3gRjtvN4BwYgAzEo-vVDq__cZG-DdTSysys7MCFJU

Windows (Install with AIR): https://mega.nz/file/gIIzxShJ#kyeb_mKHX9rRwnp1LC8gKjEcUxEDuUJNAC48M2_FUs8

Mac (Install with AIR): https://mega.nz/file/FEBRyaDS#5AKRSGMrgE0eA090dg8sKmWxAtBZLVdkswi7d2BIq3U

Android: https://mega.nz/file/REQl2AbT#lThhhxUOGEH2tACP3Bj_WHb-coyp3g-FTdf72xjW08U

SWF: https://mega.nz/file/gdIHgAoR#-lY5lK7BR0JKndVl0-xX0-iGeVQ1iyp483HqxLHAhuk

Coming up next: I'll be posting updated versions of Midnight Fireworks and Bedplay, then it's back to work on Rack 2!




once downloaded it just white screens on the flash player


I need a code for the link to work


Why do none of the mac downloads work???


i need a code for download :c


What is the code for the download?


The codes are next to the download link. Followed by a #


Dang, as soon as I opened up patreon to check too


Glad to see you preserving and updating your older works! Always wanted an android version of rack 1!


It seems to require a key before I can access the window file.


#6KyVyfCM4JklSlBOqSRtzjXi849bpWvSv_RkLqaJFQA is the key


can't seem to open the mac version, first timed try it and it said to me I didn't have the writes, so I made chmod +x to the flassh executable in the package and now it is borked and can't be opened anymore and MacOS wants me to throw it in the trash


ive downloaded it and i go to the rack.exe but it wont open at all any help


the "windows download and run" version seems to have a bug or two, some of the goals / features don't seem to work. anything to do with edging doesn't seem to be working. But It is a treat to play mad doctor again! I forgot how much I liked this game. :3


Weirdly, the Mega links seem to cut off at the #'s? like, I have to manually copy the full URL into my search bar, because just clicking it takes me to the wrong page.


I cant get the android version to run. Any ideas?


The page should be right, what's after the hashtag is the decryption key to unlock the file hosted on the page


I was over here about to flip shit trying to figure out what patron subscription was showing up on my statement. Was glad to find out it was Fek. :3


It was fun to pop my head back into Rack 1, but I really hope with this behind you, we start to see more aggressive progress on Rack 2!


where is rack 2????


no update since august


Been loving both game game since they've began, I'm super pumped to see how Rack 2 grows and develops! ♥


I see the same behavior on my end as well with the Windows .exe and .swf versions. I noticed that the edge meter also isn't making sounds in this version, so perhaps it's related. Update: There's some edging objectives later which work fine (including the one asking you edge a test subject for a very long time), so it may just be a bug with this objective, in particular.


Are you still working on rack 2?


Decryption key?


dude youre getting 15k a month thats more than i make in a year you could at least say if you are still working on what youre being paid to work on


Just give us the swf files and be done with it, there's flash emulators. We're all here for Rack 2 anyway


Unable to open, says i dont have permissions and to get admin password, i am the admin!

Lee Thompson

So no Rack 2 update since November 3rd? If there isn't SOMETHING (even just a status update) soon, I will have no choice but to pause starting March 1st.


My dood. In case you hadn't noticed, the world went to hell last year. Fek is too good at community management to tell you that 4 comments on a single post that don't have anything to do with the post is kind of petulant. Fek has been dealing with some heavy shit. If you don't like how much he's getting, then feel free to stop being a patron. He's already pledged to release the game for free. You just aren't going to get advance and beta access.


This mini project youre doing wasnt asked for or needed


Is anyone else having issues with the "brink of orgasm for 10 seconds" goal on this build? It seems like the timer never increases no matter how long I do it. windows.exe build full screen with sound on normal resolution.


I'm also having issues with the making 5 people cum in 1 person. I'm using some of the custom people and when I swap anyone out the counter resets. so including themselves I can only ever get 4 people to cum in a single person.


anyone else need a decryption key?


Not all the link is clickable, you need to copy the whole link and paste it. Otherwise it will ask for a decryption key.


The top of the patreon page isnt even updated past 2018, and Rack 2 hasn't released. Practically paywalled vaporware, as is this final update of Rack 1. I have extreme doubts Fek will do anything except slowly and painfully update Rack 2 till the sun goes out. This project has recieved multi-millions in support, and the dude can't hire a team? Doubtful. Let's face it, Fek has aquired a lifestyle that he will have to only push the minimum amount of updates for.


Custom characters also don't seem to work


Clearly he's going the "stretch the game out as long as humanly possibly to keep that insane cash flow coming without ever putting in work" route. The only way to make this game happen is to stop paying the dude to sit on his ass and show we won't keep paying for nothing


The laggy graphics make impossible to play I dont know if its something im doing or its the game cam anyone help ?


Yes I agree its taking a while, but I highly doubt it's because he is being greedy.


Man sure got juked. I guess I didn't read carefully enough as I pledged thinking this was a Rack 2 update at last. What's more, this stupid site just charged me 3 fucking times for it.


probably a system issue, I tried it on an old laptop and it was so chunky but on a better computer it ran smooth as butter


what is the decryption key?


Copy-paste the entire link (including what's after the #), not just the higlighted part and it'll let you download it.

Hans Korsholm

the decryption key don't work anymore tried both that are on windows


try highlighting the entire link.....cos the decryption key is included in the entire link.....as i did a copy and paste of teh full link and i was able to download the game with no trouble


blue orb stop ur bitching.....and read his decription on his profile......it says he prefers to work alone.....and paying $8 a month isn't too bad to gain access to a game tht is still being worked on.....and if u r having such a big issue with how slow fek works then try getting in touch with them.....making a game is like making urself cum......slow to start but worth it in the end


how do i download midnight fireworks


What and where is the decryption key


The decryption key required is the #text right after the version you tried to download. Smh. It's basic cp knowledge, dont let what's between your legs steal your tail. Or the blood flow to the brain to figure it out :x


What's the password?


What's the password?

Kevin Van den Bergh

Phuong, the password to it is the thing after the hashtag! :P


Manjaro Linux: No TriLib plugin (though I never found it in any other Linux versions I was using in the past.) I have started this new version thrice. First I was able to do a customer. I needed to end the session twice, sending the program into limbo. Second I was playing around with character modifications. When I switched poses and switched on pleasuring self, the top of the ears stayed in place and got stretched very long while the character bent forward. Again limbo. Third try was with my other character. I could select the test object quite fine, but then it went into limbo. And limbo on a linux computer means I had to switch to a terminal and use kill -9 to kill the process.


to download i need a key or somthin


whats the key?


the key to the download is the hashtag text that is next to the download link. Just copy and past the black text minus the hashtag


The android apk wont work fore some reason come out a zip file and wont open