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Hey folks! Realizing that it's been a while since an update, just doing another quick check in. Things have been crazy, and I hope y'all are staying safe and well out there.

I've been getting over some sort of sickness. The doc says it's probably not C19, but some form of bronchitis or infection. Test results should be back soon, then I'll know for sure.

Either way, I'm still alive and kicking (and coughing, mostly).

Stay safe! <3


Chase Morgan

Get well soon ♥️

Aaron Neumann

Get well soon mate, hope things go well for you. ;)

Lee Thompson

Doh, been wondering where you've been. Take care of yourself.

Hebu The Lone Wolf

hopefully its nothing serious. i hope quick recovery and stay safe


Hope ya feel better soon, bud


Oh! I hope you get well soon. *big hug*


get better soon and tell kolfy i said hi


Hope you get well soon~


get better.


Hope you get well soon.

Noah Bangs

If it is C19, request hydroxychloroquine and zinc.


bonjour comment aller vous moment ?


prener soint de vous


gute besserung, hals und bein bruch


Still alive? Succumbed to sickness?


get well soon &lt;3


I just found out about your game and it blows my mind! This is just amazing, thank you so much. I hope this game will get larger with more options soon. Fantastic work so far!!


stay safe please! if theres anything this bird can do to help then please tell me


Heey man I hope you're okay. I wanted to ask you what the status is? It's been almost 5 months since the release of a new version of the game. I don't want to stress! But since it's been almost a month since the last post, I just wanted to check in. best regards


get well soon bruh

Aromatic Hyena

Has anyone heard anything from Fek at all?


Some life sign would be cool. :(


Hope everything is alright, havent heard from you in awhile :)


You doing alright?


hope you are hanging in there


Fek has said on Twitter a new version is coming soon~ :D


ohhhh very excited here :D


Hope u get better, and i will be unforunate signing off for a bit, money is getting tight but u will see me again

Sangie Nativus

Sadly been a month with nothing :&lt; I've seen you been getting a lot of commissions but not seeing a lot of movement on this game. I really want to support but it's been five years and the game is no where close to being to alpha, much less beta. Do you have a timeline for this? With all the financial support you're getting, you could bring on more coders/designers?


This game has so much potential and is awesome in it's current state already. I just hope Fek will get new energy to continue and it will not die. That would be a tragedy. I hope to speak for the community when I say: "Fek if we can do anything to motivate you, please tell us. We love your work!"


How about you work on Rack? I'm not supporting you for nothing...


Wow if you are only doing it for a game and not just supporting an artist just because they are an artist, than you shouldn't be part of this community. Try making something really cool and see how long it takes you. Its more than just model making its programing and testing. Heck even most indi-games have at least a team of 5. Those games take years to make. He is all by himself so it will take even longer. Also consider the pandemic. Its hard to work these days. So sit your rude ass down and learn a bit of patience. One more thing, there is so much content in the game already that I would be happy if the last update was the final one. Finally read the comments. On his twitter, he said a new update would be coming soon.


That's not what money's for. Money isn't for supporting people, it's for purchasing products or supporting the creation of said products. If you're gonna get on a moral high horse, at least make sure the horse has legs.


i dont need a horse. Because I prefer to walk with my fellow furies. Also have you ever heard of charity. If everyone stopped paying because he hasn't put out an update for a bit, he will have no income what so ever. money has more usage than buying products. One last thing you are paying for a product. You dont need to see it being made to know its there.


When was last released update? Feb 2020? I've been supporting 10 bucks a month thats 70 bucks for the last 7 months with no new releases. It says you're getting $19,000 a month wow. Goodbye~!


I downloaded on Mac but I can't open the app. Can anyone help?


I would be glad to even hear anything from Fek. Starting to worry a bit.


Heey Fek As I said a month ago : I hope you are well ! But sorry we need an update on Patron. I support you since 2016 and I NEVER regret it. But the only two reasons why people are not allowed to contact their community for so long are: you're in a coma or in jail! Everything else would be very rude. I really don't want to end my support that has been active for years but I also don't want to support anyone (no matter how much potential the project has) who doesn't communicate with his community. Please get in touch. Best greetings from Switzerland


now this is the right way to ask for an update. the past couple of ones have been very rude


I don't even need an update really. Like the super detailed breakdowns of workload is nice but just pop in and say hi more than once every few months. They're now making almost 1/4 million a year from patreon. Even if Fek still has a full time job (I don't know if they do or don't), I think that warrants a "hey how you doing" post from the content creator every once in a while.


After deleting the game directory (not the game data, but the actual "where the program is stored" directory), I was able to run the game, but as soon as I try to put somebody in the chair, the world goes dark, and I see these in the log: Fallback handler could not load library /home/wowbaggr/.Rack2/Rack_2/Rack 2_Data/Mono/libmscoree.dll Fallback handler could not load library /home/wowbaggr/.Rack2/Rack_2/Rack 2_Data/Mono/libmscoree.dll.so Fallback handler could not load library /home/wowbaggr/.Rack2/Rack_2/Rack 2_Data/Mono/mscoree.dll Fallback handler could not load library /home/wowbaggr/.Rack2/Rack_2/Rack 2_Data/Mono/libmscoree Fallback handler could not load library /home/wowbaggr/.Rack2/Rack_2/Rack 2_Data/Mono/libmscoree.so Fallback handler could not load library /home/wowbaggr/.Rack2/Rack_2/Rack 2_Data/Mono/mscoree Fallback handler could not load library /home/wowbaggr/.Rack2/Rack_2/Rack 2_Data/Mono/libmscoree.dll Fallback handler could not load library /home/wowbaggr/.Rack2/Rack_2/Rack 2_Data/Mono/libmscoree.dll.so Fallback handler could not load library /home/wowbaggr/.Rack2/Rack_2/Rack 2_Data/Mono/libmscoree.dll EntryPointNotFoundException: FindAtom at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.FindAtom(string) at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.EnsureAtomInitialized () [0x00005] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.Initialize () [0x00000] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip..cctor () [0x00034] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Gdip' threw an exception. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor (System.String filename) [0x0001a] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(string) at RandomCharacterGenerator.drawDecalsOnCharacter (RackCharacter character) [0x00580] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at RandomCharacterGenerator.randomizeColors (RackCharacter character, System.Int32 forcedOddity) [0x00019] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at RandomCharacterGenerator.createRandomCharacter (System.Boolean wipeFirst) [0x00023] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processCharacterSelector () [0x0117e] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processUI () [0x002bc] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processGame () [0x00081] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.Update () [0x00402] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 (Filename: &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt; Line: 0) EntryPointNotFoundException: FindAtom at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.FindAtom(string) at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.EnsureAtomInitialized () [0x00005] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.Initialize () [0x00000] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip..cctor () [0x00034] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Gdip' threw an exception. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor (System.String filename) [0x0001a] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(string) at RandomCharacterGenerator.drawDecalsOnCharacter (RackCharacter character) [0x00580] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at RandomCharacterGenerator.randomizeColors (RackCharacter character, System.Int32 forcedOddity) [0x00019] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at RandomCharacterGenerator.createRandomCharacter (System.Boolean wipeFirst) [0x00023] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processCharacterSelector () [0x0117e] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processUI () [0x002bc] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processGame () [0x00081] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.Update () [0x00402] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 (Filename: &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt; Line: 0) EntryPointNotFoundException: FindAtom at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.FindAtom(string) at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.EnsureAtomInitialized () [0x00005] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.Initialize () [0x00000] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip..cctor () [0x00034] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Gdip' threw an exception. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor (System.String filename) [0x0001a] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(string) at RandomCharacterGenerator.drawDecalsOnCharacter (RackCharacter character) [0x00580] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at RandomCharacterGenerator.randomizeColors (RackCharacter character, System.Int32 forcedOddity) [0x00019] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at RandomCharacterGenerator.createRandomCharacter (System.Boolean wipeFirst) [0x00023] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processCharacterSelector () [0x01593] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processUI () [0x002bc] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processGame () [0x00081] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.Update () [0x00402] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 (Filename: &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt; Line: 0) EntryPointNotFoundException: FindAtom at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.FindAtom(string) at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.EnsureAtomInitialized () [0x00005] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.Initialize () [0x00000] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip..cctor () [0x00034] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Gdip' threw an exception. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor (System.String filename) [0x0001a] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(string) at RandomCharacterGenerator.drawDecalsOnCharacter (RackCharacter character) [0x00580] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at RandomCharacterGenerator.randomizeColors (RackCharacter character, System.Int32 forcedOddity) [0x00019] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at RandomCharacterGenerator.createRandomCharacter (System.Boolean wipeFirst) [0x00023] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processCharacterSelector () [0x0117e] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processUI () [0x002bc] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processGame () [0x00081] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.Update () [0x00402] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 (Filename: &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt; Line: 0) EntryPointNotFoundException: FindAtom at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.FindAtom(string) at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.EnsureAtomInitialized () [0x00005] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip.Initialize () [0x00000] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods+Gdip..cctor () [0x00034] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Gdip' threw an exception. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor (System.String filename) [0x0001a] in &lt;242126a5ecfc4750a4552915b2f6a201&gt;:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(string) at RandomCharacterGenerator.drawDecalsOnCharacter (RackCharacter character) [0x00580] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at RandomCharacterGenerator.randomizeColors (RackCharacter character, System.Int32 forcedOddity) [0x00019] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at RandomCharacterGenerator.createRandomCharacter (System.Boolean wipeFirst) [0x00023] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processCharacterSelector () [0x0117e] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processUI () [0x002bc] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processGame () [0x00081] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.Update () [0x00402] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1) KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in :0 at SexualPreferences.getPreference (System.String name) [0x00000] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at RackCharacter.processPlayerKnowledgeAndInlineDialogue () [0x001f0] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at RackCharacter.UpdateBeforeIK () [0x000a6] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.processGame () [0x00026] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 at Game.Update () [0x00402] in &lt;2730a525e3244cd0b6ba399171e8a208&gt;:0 (Filename: Line: 0)