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- For a detailed list of recently-finished interaction support, see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UDXBGDJDMCe9VN8QBMGmyGWlkh44clTfOXsZxSeHvQw/

- Basic functionality has been completed for 19 new interactions, bumping the total number of functional Body-on-Body interactions from 56% to 79%. Highlights include fisting, suckling, biting, tribadism, titfucking, and kissing. Notably, all planned interactions for existing tools are now functional (but not fully polished/balanced). Foot, tail, tentacle, and boob-tool interactions are likely to come later, but for upcoming updates, the focus will be shifted to balance, polish, and new sex toy content.

- Additional work has been done on the new apparatus-lifting / "tiptoe" system, but it is not finished yet, so this build is still using the old system. As a result, some interactions (notably, breast suckling and kissing) do not line up properly if the performing character cannot reach the interaction node.

Download Links:

WARNING: The links below contain ADULT CONTENT, and should not be accessed by minors or anyone who cannot legally view said content.

WINDOWS 64-bit: https://mega.nz/#!RY5lWIiZ!-QBRFZvIARkr4aV9o0w_XqxVhtWm-atmaHNnm53TCb4

WINDOWS 32-bit: https://mega.nz/#!pEoBzKLC!HesEo5fHC7L98wUJe3uu63cg9cjrvapnAReo07LlMa0

MAC: https://mega.nz/#!lMxhhaJD!M_HDu7SoxFI0qxIpDiBBUAs8xgKSMfgfbsPALXV4VKc

MAC (OpenGL): https://mega.nz/#!0QwThKLS!KZg_rUkVnezyfMytD91cIoljRJvRAMU7lDnRAgBsxUM

LINUX: https://mega.nz/#!5cgHlCBb!oofsV_kJbgBR0U9tvKJsJwVLASCV9vXaRz6nksHDm4Q


Sejha, Liz and Bright

Ah! Im so glad the ballbusting stuff is more available now!


great work fek :D


Any one have luck with Linux or Mac?


Anyone else having weird issues with the ball biting/sucking? The characters mouth just hovers a few centimeters away from the balls. This a bug or is this something that's going to be polished up in later builds?


Hi, when i start the game and try to select Devbuild or Devbuild FP it wont show the option to load my savegame or start a new game.


What does open GL mean?


doesn't work everytime XD,when i try the fun stuff ,all of the interactions news and olds frozes in time and i just have control over the camera. Animation are soso stable and but character customization is fine well if there is not too much on my character. Humm. I try repairing it with win rar = no difference. Reinstalle well it's the same. The game look great in general ;). Sorry fore my bad english i'm french :).


Well i'm dumb XD deleted all my olds Appdatas and its working better now but i still finds the accessories (fur,claws,horns,tattoo,etc) theys appear like a bright white, i think they are not loading properly for me at least. Sorry for my bad english again ;).


i have a Question,,,, how do you Change the chemicals


Hold down the button you use to switch to the injection gun, and use your mouse to select, then let go of the button. Hope that helped!

Joshua Woofter

I have a question too, how do you cum as a tester? I keep edging, but never come. I can make the subjects cum, but not me.


Has anyone had any luck with getting this to work on Mac

Noah Bangs

Hope you work out all the kinks, Fek. I'm dying to get my hands on the milking machine. I also hope multiple milkers can be used at once. It was kind of a drag in the original flash game to be confined to using only one.


How do I actually play the game? I clicked the link which took me to Mega which gave me the file. I have no idea what to do with the file.


how do I delete app data?


Having difficulties completing objectives


Is the cum supposed to go through characters? I feel like it wasn't when I played the first couple times, but now it just clips through most of the time.


Would love to see some sort of gender bending in the future :P


Idk if you know about this but, there's an issue with the advanced character creator where during the section where you can dick with the head/face to a greater extent, there's a chance your character's textures just scramble. Nothing lines up to where they should be. The only fix i know of is to create a whole new character.


how do i put down equipment


Will you be putting more music up? I love the music. I hope for music like it in that genre. Its like soothing but still a lil quick. Sounds like nujazz or lounge jazz almost. Oh and rubber, hoods, and bigger muscles aka bodybuilder i know theres a function but its female boobs, and not really bodybuilding. Also i wanted to make a leopard with pink hearts on it. Is that possible? I have a leopard named Love-Cat. Love the game, i notice there is sucking, will there be face fucking? Kinda the same thing but its more aggressive. Thanks for replying.


I custom edit my leopard, for one you dont have regular leopard, and two, you have stripes on it? When i did my usual custom like i did for 2.5, it didnt load. The character is all greyed out. Also the pecs are boobs. They are female breasts instead of bodybuilding pecs. So anyways, none of the custom settings loaded, hes a zombie looking colored guy.


can anybody help me get the windows 64 bit to work it keeps saying that it cant find the .dll file and I could use some help


Looks like the issue with the pattern/color changing tab is still broken. When I go to add a new pattern to my character, it completely breaks the menu for patterns/colors. Like, it misaligns everything and I can't change the colors or add any more patterns.


Hi, I go through the tour and then go to get a client and says it is downloading some files I don't have and then doesn't continue after. Is there a way to fix this or am I missing something? Thank you in advance

Jimmy Rojas

alrite! so I figured I would pay this month's tier to get it and also ask some questions, I admit I already got the game from a site Fek posts and this is me giving support saince I actually like it a lot.

Jimmy Rojas

I do have questions, well at least one or two, the new body on body interactions, biting spanking...those that 'hurt', is there a way to do them right at this moment? it seems no matter how I do it they hate it...i just wanted to confirm that the 'polishing/balancing' means making them work properly Another question I have is...will they receive stimulation from other actions that does not involve anal or genitals? if this links to the whole balancing and polishing then cool, I am not aware of what will do what yet...or where to find what will do what once is done.


In 2.5 update the Vagina is shown during penetration but now the new 2.9 its gone, and it looks like you are in its butt. Bring it back. Also we need to see a butthole during penetration. You had something so good, bring it back. Also the spine is show on the upper back, between the shoulder blades. Its all glowy white. It also sometimes freeze when you are waiting for the test subjects to load. But yes bring back the swollen peach. Make the butthole have an actual pucker. Or least optional. And pecs are female boobs. We need pecs.


Also the Rack2 Specimen starts to get angry faster. It was fine before the change.


Hi, I'm updating from 2.5 and it's taking quite a while to update. As in like I left it open overnight and still wasn't done. Is there a way to speed up the process or skip the backup of files?


I fixed it by hitting "try old save" so... I guess it works? Hope that helps some other people.


I noticed that using the Racknet and getting characters from 2.5 lower cause the game to freak trying to load stuff from that version, causing an infinite load. (which is also causing infinite load at startup.) I really hope this gets fixed soon because either I have to disable the net or roll the dice to see if I get stuck loading. Besides that and small things here and there, all is well!


Oddly enough making the graphics settings higher and disabling "autodetect graphics" fixed this issue




I wish the interactions had a bit more "animation" to them, besides just "touch tip of tongue to [insert body part here] they also feel kinda stilted and are awkwardly placed where it doesn't seem like the body parts are even connecting at times.


I see character customization is also still largely broken. Hairstyles don't work, embellishments are difficult to place and limiting, colour/markings sometimes break when trying to add new ones. would like to see more options in character creation


well as you can see ist Version 0.2.9 that means it still is under construction and such Things arent finished in like 2 days give him some time and the game will get better


How do we use VR with this?


how do i get it to run


i have encountered a game breaking glitch. the first time worked out great. next day i started it up again, selected the game mode than the game broke. the part where you select your character was gone and all options too. the game starts to lag a lot as well. i have redownloaded it several times. still nothing. Fek Please help


Some weird things im spouting off from my time with the game, But on some occasions, when creating a character, the textures will just break. Full on. It cant be fixed and its tied to the character itself (so saving the character file and loading it will produce the same thing) Also, racknet seems to be really broken with some characters downloaded, where as some of them will produce an infinite load. Forcing me to create a new character, as the issue is tied to the character. Also I'm forced to force close the game and thank the lord i have task manager to be on top always otherwise i would have to reboot my pc every time it happened. Otherwise, everything else seems functional enough!


i think he takes some time off making this game, howevever i think he does a good but long taking job on this game, if the dates on furrafinity are correct he is/was working over 3 years on the game so far and he reached only 2.9 since i feel even if it looks easy its hard to make a 3d video game especially alone so i guess even if the game is supposed to be completly free when it comes out i would consider to add things like a season pass for post launch content especially if i guess right that this game could take up to another 4 to 7 years to finish it better been worth the time and has some expansions to keep players going but thats maybe just my opinion, i also dont like to say it but he could probably need a full team who helps him with that one day in the future cause i want him to be succesfull with the games he is going to make and hopefully he is not running out of supporters with that development span i see ... well lets just hope this never happens (and please focus on rack 2 or just one game after your break its almost needless to say that to be honest, cause a i think a lot of ppl prefer one well done game over 5 not finished games if i am not mistaken)


can we get an estimate on when the next update will be ready or just simply update us on what you've been working on.... its been almost 2 months since last post. no pressure lol

Matthew Dieck

Hey Fek! Love your work so far, just joined up to this Patreon! Quick feedback for the current version of the application: when displayed in UW format resolutions (for example, 3440x1440) the main character creation menu clipboard does not scale properly, and it becomes impossible to access the advanced creation menu. Unfortunately, this means I cannot actually play the game in fullscreen.


Hey Fek. Can you please tell me how to make the nul version of the chemicals. Thanks


Hey Fek, love your work. Had an idea and was wondering if you were planning on implementing bulges? It'd be nice to see that, and would be cooler if it changed depending on size. Just a thought but I think it could add a lot.


if you are referring to the synthesis station, click the chemical you want to make the null version of, then click nulriset, use the + and - symbols to adjust amount as usual after that. Example: clicking inhibitrex, then clicking nulriset would result in null-inhibitrex, same whith all other chemicals, nulriset is the only one that doesnt have a null version. Clicking nulriset and then the chemical you want a null version of also seems to work.


uh Fek... are you still alive? its been three months since last post.


don't worry. Am sure that by the end of it all, it will be lovely. beside, what are the odds of Fek being snap out of existence ;-)




初めて、ゲームはデータをダウンロードします。それは長い間続きます。 おそらく、もう一度インストールすると解決します。 @Fek > Do you know if there is any issue with text encoding on asian OS? I ask due to the (I think) custom downloading system which means custom resources management...