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Hey folks! I'll be out of town until next Monday, then it's back to work! Next update will focus on biting and the other remaining body-on-body interactions. Cheers!



thx for the heads up :)


Enjoy the time away!


fuk, I forgot you were at FWA too! I shoulda looked for ya D:


Really looking forward to biting. >:D


I tried to use the bug tracker weeks ago and it was down, now I tried again and it's down... "Database connection failed. Error received from database was #0: PHP Support for database is not enabled."


Ya it's been down for quite some time. I have some major bugs to report but sadly I cannot.


Can you fix the Sex, blowjob and handjob animations? When you put them on auto or even do it manually, the furthest point at the tip of the penis for the animation goes Past the tip, grabbing nothing. Also if you do it manually but dont go over past the tip, almost no pleasure is given to the subject


Could you add a slider or something where for auto control for sex, blowjob, and handjob actions, you can control how deep you go and also control how far Out you come? Eg, just stroking the base, or having sex, but not taking the whole penis out with each thrust? That would REALLY add replay-ability to the animations and allow you to have different experiences! Thanks for all the effort you put in!


Another suggestion could be a size slider for the hands, or some smaller options? A lot of time they end up disproportionately large with skinnier characters.


could you fix the breast on the female characters by chance, they seem really stiff and have no gravity like they float :\


Is anyone having constant problem for the "Color and Marking" section? Every time I added a new markings, the whole list collapse together. I keep have to exit the game and re-enter it just to do it again after another marking added.


Can you please fix the boobs they seem less real then they used to be like in V 2.5 they were the best in that version


I'm getting a problem where I literally can't play the game at all. I'm always stuck on the menu after selecting which Devbuild i want to play on. Anyone else?


I have that problem also :O

Jimmy Jangles

You still need any music for your game?