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Ey folks! New build's ready to go!

This one's mostly focused on new interactions. There's also a couple of very small bug fixes, and some performance improvements.


- For a detailed list of recently-finished interaction support, see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UDXBGDJDMCe9VN8QBMGmyGWlkh44clTfOXsZxSeHvQw/

- Metadata, dialogue, fetish/preference, and approach point setup has been completed for 64 new interactions, bumping the total from 20 to 84.

- Basic functionality has been completed for 17 new interactions, bumping the total from 20 to 37. Highlights include several spanking, CBT, tickling, and footplay interactions.

- An interaction control scheme has been added for spanking/smacking interactions.

- Disabling the tutorial drone now also skips the new player tutorial, which means you won't get locked out of interactions and unable to progress

- Some tweaks to the approach point framework have been made, allowing for symmetrical approach points. This is largely a change required to support footplay, but might also used for certain boob interactions, later.

- An automatic quality management system has been added to the game. When enabled (it's on by default), the game will automatically raise or lower your graphics settings to try to maintain a smooth framerate. This setting can be disabled in the Graphics menu.

- Fixed a bug that prevented characters from properly registering pain while experiencing a refractory period.

- Fixed a bug that caused physics to flip out in some corner cases involving the Rack Table apparatus.

Download Links:

WARNING: The links below contain ADULT CONTENT, and should not be accessed by minors or anyone who cannot legally view said content.

WINDOWS 64-bit: https://mega.nz/#!5UBixIpC!k_cWeDhtBnyMSQL8UyI3OSO-OhDZAWP3URK9fB--rNo

WINDOWS 32-bit: https://mega.nz/#!ZRJWGawT!CamVAJ2YnY4Cb_7Abz4wlF_vN0nYzj29jhssWjFGbwU

MAC: https://mega.nz/#!9YxUhIJR!CrtnQgsiKx3Bm0ouBeUfxOaj8oofGROV3IcwHo8QQ5M

MAC (OpenGL): https://mega.nz/#!BcwGHAAK!20aW5eb3pD1m47OUUir0e92bpTCEKEE1Jm1q8BaF1YY

LINUX: https://mega.nz/#!VMYw2aSK!7qeMpRZ8-4zYdX1z41lpq_g1kK1tWg0P4WDGJWrTxUU



I can't wait to try it out. It's rare to see creators invest in projects like this anymore and I'm loving the fact that you are.


freeplay isnt working for me


Dam i still getting that thing where it backups my data for ever


It helps if you go into C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Fek\Rack 2_ Furry Science\characters before updating and clear out everything you don't actually care about keeping, then do the same for the "custom" folder within that first folder.


Finally decided to pledge as soon as I saw the new update, hope it uploads soon ^.^


Has footjobs been added yet?


Just realized that May will be my 2 year mark of support. Wow...


Having a problem whenever i try to load a game, either saved or new, it hangs when trying to log into racknet. The main menu and the loading screen disappear and all i can see is the background. only way out is to close the program and restart. rinse and repeat. i am sad.


it doesnt even load for me as it just hangs on installing files and i have tried the usual thing of deleting the local low fek folder


The 64-bit windows link says "The file you are trying to download is no longer available."


I think that's because he's re uploading."EDIT: Looks like something got packaged up incorrectly; I'm republishing and re-uploading now. Check back in a bit!"


"EDIT: Looks like something got packaged up incorrectly; I'm republishing and re-uploading now. Check back in a bit!" probably to fix that


"EDIT: Looks like something got packaged up incorrectly; I'm republishing and re-uploading now. Check back in a bit!" maybe a fix?


I'm super excited to give it a try and explore the new stuff!


As someone who is pretty unfamiliar with game development and such should I be reloading the page every few minutes or is this unlikely to be fixed for a few hours?


WIN64 and MAC builds are good to go, now! WIN32 and LINUX on the way in 10-20 minutes


when i try to choose a subject to test it keeps saying "your game is missing some files,please wait while we prepare those files" and it just stays at 0%


Thanks for the report! Do you happen to have an output_log.txt so I can see if any exceptions are being thrown? Unable to reproduce over here


Even when files are downloaded for old characters, their colors look like they came out of an abstract painting. Is there any planned fix?

Max Roberts`

After about 30 seconds of playing the game just freezes and crashes. I'm not interacting with anything. I have a crash log if you want it. I have also tried reinstalling (and deleting the data in LocalLow) which hasn't changed anything


Is that only happening for old characters, or for all characters? If it's only happening for old characters, it could simply be a character format incompatibility, and I probably won't focus too much on supporting it. Once we hit gold, though, version-to-version compatibility will become a priority.


Hmmm, I wonder if something in the automatic quality manager is causing a crash at lower settings. A crash log would be super appreciated! In the mean time, you might try turning off automatic quality by opening up this file: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Fek\Rack 2_ Furry Science\savedata\user.rackSettings And changing "<autoquality>true</autoquality>" to "<autoquality>false</autoquality>"

Kharnos Strayder

Seems I'm stuck at updating my save files. No idea what is going wrong. It's been sitting at that stage for the last hour.

Kharnos Strayder

So ditched my old saves and it is now constantly stuck at building character. No idea what is going on. -Edit- Fixed it. Had to trash the entire Fek folder in app data.

James Dougher

I'm encountering an issue where it seems like I can't make contact with any genitals using the penis tool in the rack chair. This makes it so the subjects don't experience any pleasure. I can get just the tip in in manual mode if I move my cursor to the top of the screen, but nothing else. Any fixes?

James Dougher

I should mention I've deleted the Appdata folder, restarted my PC, and changed the resolution between windowed and fullscreen. This issue was present in 2.6 and 2.6b. I've also found the issue occurs when attempting to penetrate a vagina using the subject's penis, I just thrust in the air with no contact.

Kharnos Strayder

Ok different question. Experience vs sensation. Is sensation is they get arousal from it regardless of if they like it?


After having tired this build out, I'm super excited to see where things are going, I mean, it's pretty rough cut for me at least, pretty much every new animation is broken along with pleasure reception with a lot of interactions, but I'm looking past this as a point for future patches and I'm gonna say this update has a big chunk of development put into it and I can tell. Awesome work, dude. This will be absolute gold once it gets cleaned up!


I'm sure your going to be very busy with bug reports on this one, but I hope it's not discouraging. You're doing awesome stuff!


I always saw it as Experience being what they enjoy during an interaction, things that don't directly get their arousal bar going but they like and Sensation being things they like and that get them flowing.


my game gets stuck right after I name the character, it on the screen saying it building raycasters, something like that, I've deleted the hole fak file under appdata, still nothing, any help would be appreciated.\


The sex toy system seems to be Broken. Dildo's can't please customers (no feeling from them at all) and cock rings can't be placed on them at all, leaving a checkbox for paying customers always empty. And with the player only vibrating cock rings can be placed, but only on the tip if the penis.


I don't know if this is for a lot of people, but, I've noticed in the last 2 versions whenever I move/walk my characters body flies off in all directions as well as them non-stop ejaculating/cumming. I've also noticed every male sex organ looks to be stretched and bent in many diffent spots along its length making sexual interactions in the game look a bit weird or undoable


Went to interact with subject, no options appeared and went to leave. When I did, my character extended from where I had been standing to anywhere I moved in the pit.


Getting stuck on that "game failed to initialize" screen, repeatedly.


Hmrr, I love the spank options in V2.7. Yet I still have the problem that I can't place the "Small Speciment Cooler" anywhere. This problem occured with V2.6. (I know I should put this in the Mantis tracker; but I forgot my password and now the account is locked, due to many login trys. ) So I still have no room to store all the precious component from my experiments ^^;


every time i try to test the new animations it says "sorry, this interaction is not available yet"


I'm being dumb can someone tell me how to update the game


Haha oh man, this one borked like nothing else. I might have to do a fresh install or something of it, but things I ran into: it's super blurry when I move, like I'm watching the flash dart around with a constant erection spewing what must be his used up turbo juice, as was mentioned earlier by Fluff-dragon. When anything movies, each muscle seems to detach itself from its host and gets left behind for a moment, and then just kind of dragged along for the ride. This includes those in the viewing tanks. When on an actual apparatus, the main character will contort themselves into this weird hourglass figure, like if you twist a bit of plastic or a bag or something. After trying to exit the interaction, my character just got stuck on the subject and wouldn't met me go elsewhere (rather, I could move around, but the character was still stuck there. I must have been moving around with his out-of-body-experience spirit, probably from the death he experienced when getting his spine twisted so drastically). I'm sure this is all stuff you're tracking, but whoo boy. Still like the game, just uh, yeah.


Ok what fixed most things for me was a clean reinstall by deleting everything rack related, especially the appdata folders. However vaginas don’t spread properly, not a big problem. But for some reason when in char creation I can’t add new markings. The whole menu collapses on itself and becomes useless unless I restart the game. This happened in V.0.2.6 as well.


can't say i'm excited about this version, sorry literally everything i try (i'm not even getting to character creation) ends up in the game freezing one way or another i've tried deleting the entire R2ck folder, i've tried reinstalling it, i've deleted everything that could've been related to the game but unfortunately nothing works i've loved the game since the start and won't stop supporting but i hope a fix comes for this. also the game says it's V2.6, not 2.7? even though i downloaded from this post. Good luck with the rest of the game! i'll sit this one out i guess


Bwahahaa! Okay, the animation bugs I that I have encountered are actually pretty gosh dang hilarious. Including exorcist-like head spinning.


If you open up the change log that Fek put in this post you can see what you can and cant do


i had a wired bug where my character was stuck to the subject, i could still move around and i even went to the showers but my player model was stuck to the table, i had to restart the game and ive yet to recreate the bug as of now but still it caught me off guard. Keep up the good work.


Help? What do i do if I've lost the password for my racknet login? Any password reset form?


My game gets hung up on building precise raycasting meshes. I've tried reinstalling several times. it doesn't freeze, it just loads indefinitely. I'm going to leave it running for about thirty minutes and see if there's any change.


I try to load the game, but it keeps getting stuck on the loading screen after I decide to save data to start fresh or to continue with current saves. I have had it on for over an hour, but it doesn't get past that screen.


Can confirm that about half an hour made no difference in loading the game.


Something get borked at Mega? Link for 64bit seems dead today.


I got that one too! On the rack table, exploring the new animations on it and I went all exorcism shit.


64 bit stuff is dead apparently, damn!


Please help! I have tried everything, deleting everything rack, or fek, or furry science related on my computer and it's still not updating. App data folder and everything! I don't understand!


Good stuff, Fek! All I have left on my wishlist is better knot and penis controls. As they are, things are a bit too "blunt" and glans-y for my tastes and i'd love to be able to make something a little slicker :P

Billy Mays

The physics seem really wonky in this one, like there was a value that was turned up too high.

Skye Dyvr

Penile insertion is still 'just the tip'. Game asks twice to dismiss subject, then stalls at black screen after dismissing subject. And lastly (seriously) need to give an option to turn off the wavy camera stuff. Let me set the angle/distance I want and quit waving it around. (Yes, the dynamic option and camera follow is turned off).


I've had luck killing the app and then restarting the game and picking the same character, it gets me the character selection screen. A similar fix works when it sits there trying to load specimens for the first time.


Some weird glitches involved with the spanking and feet animations that freeze your character so you have to close the game. When doing it on the table it has twisted the character models and gotten them stuck in the table as well.


Does anyone know how to skip the tutorial bot or was it said on how it is done without editing the file and inserting what is needed to silence the drone?


The download link for the Win64 version downloaded the v0.2.6


I can't wait for being the subject uhgggg~ Any idea on when that will be added? I'm assuming pretty late, but god damn I can't wait for it >.


Still having an issue where I cannot place small specimen containers on any surface. This was present in 0.2.6 as well.


Hey... I found a workaround for THAT issue. First I had the very same problem; but you can place a "Small Specimen Cooler" when you do it like this: -First you place a shelf as close to a wall as possibe - Then you place the cooler on the shelf so that it touches the wall too; any edge or side of the cooler will do. It is easier when you use just an edge, you can place the cooler a bit farther away fromt he wall.


In V2.7 you press ESC and then select options. There is a checkbox called "Show Tutorial Drone" Simply uncheck that box.


Hey, Fek. I am sorry to bother, but I had a massive problem today. When I closed a session to get to the review screen, my entire system froze up. Completly. I had to use the hardware reset to restart the machine. But that was not the real problem.; somehow the save files must got damaged., since when I tried to start the game again, it would not load anything after selecteing the game type. (Devbuild or Devbuild FP). Only after I killed the appdata-folder, the game worked properly again. I don't know exactly what it was, and there was no crash report eighter. Anyway, if any player has experienced a similar problem please answer to this post. Maybe it will help Fek to squish that bug ^^;


Does anyone know how to do a clean install of the game?


Still getting problem with characters. When playing female cant "cowgirl" because character looking like she just grind on cock. Same for vag and anal. Deleted app data, restarted PC only thing i didnt do was delete appdata and rack completly.


How can I check the right version? in the game the software shows 0.2.6 and a hint for 0.2.6b!


anyone with Linux here?


Been sitting on the "Please wait while your game data is updated" screen for over 30mins. (WIN64, save data from 0.2.3, shows current dev build as 0.2.6) Has this been a similar experience for everyone else?

Alexander Plunkett

Same issue. I haven't played in over a year though, so I was updating from like 1.1.7 or something like that, whatever the 2017 July one was I think.


hey guys im i started playing the new version does any new interaction work? for me only works lick foot fisting or frotting or any oter stuff doesnt its shows up a text this interaction isnt available yet pls help^^


some of interactions don't work all to well, sometimes it looks like my character isn't even touching the other, and my characters neck often bends in awkward ways while attempting any oral interactions. While using the rack table my characters head would completely twist the opposite direction

Billy Mays

Take a look at the detailed list in this post to see what animations have been finished and which ones just have the metadata done.


Just download the game files, extract them, and run the exe file inside (if you're on Windows). You don't really "update" the game like you would a normal program; each version is self-contained.


Still need help? If you're on Windows, I don't mind helping you troubleshoot.


I understand that some only have the metadata, though, currently it seems like some things that have their basic functionality from versions previous already done have been broken as a result. Seems like it ruined a few animations and jiggle bone weights. i.e. Vaginal and anal penetration. Misalignment, the labia smearing to the side, full-auto motions being either completely still or an extremely limited range of motion. Unity must be fickle to work with, I'm guessing it was the metadata that might have just caused some of these issues?


My game just hangs on the dutch angle of the front of the building after selecting my file or even starting a new file.


are cockrings useable in this update?


I'm getting stuck at a loading screen after character creation.

SoanoS Barcoded

You don't say? Tits flying off and out to the orbit when moving and the subject tits/stomachs/dicks stuck in one place while the bodies bob up and down in the tubes... Yeah, it still looks like a mess. :p

SoanoS Barcoded

Oh for crying out loud... Is it just me or is the game completely messed up in this new update? My character seems to be having a massive meltdown and her body parts (buttocks and boobs) dart all over the place. Also, whenever I go to pick a subject for testing, the game has a 80% chance of crashing at preparing files part where it (apparently) downloads new files. I am sorry to day but this build is currently pretty unplayable for me. I tried deleting the old data files, and I even tried the 32-bit version but the problems persist across the board no matter what I do... I haven't even been able to get to test any of the sex toys because of the game having a fit and hanging so often.

SoanoS Barcoded

I couldn't tell, I have't been able to get that far yet from all the issues. :D


Well the game is still a work in progress. I can see this builds rough edges... but i think that Fek wanted to give us a new build (since it's been a little bit). I think he's been working a lot on coding and things "under the hood" of the game; The type of things not immediately visible, but make a BIG difference in the game moving forward.


For me it stops right on the "Building : NPC Receptionist Post-randomization setup..." screen.


Awesome, thanks man!


Stuck on preparing game files... It's a bit aggravating.


It's really nice and all, but as a *ahem* cock lover I feel like a knot size slider is very needed. I also think you should bring back the ability to use the cock length slider (unless that's just broken on my side, the grid length selection works fine). Even if that wasn't an issue I always felt like the cock length was a bit limited uwu.


Unfortunately for me this version was pretty much unplayable. Glitched through the railings and fell to the bottom a lot. The running resulted in some major blurring and screen tearing. Also the game seemed unable to maintain even 30fps. Often times dipping to 5fps. Hopefully the patch comes soon so I can have fully experience this version.


Running fine on maxed out settings on a 1060, although the research area is blurring the crap out of the sides of the screen. I've got to look directly at something to be able to read it. Sorry I had to drop support for a while, but I'm back baby! also seems to use different textures entirely depending on the graphics settings, causing some weird bugs with rack.net.


I cant even play it, I keep getting v0.2.6


Yeah this version is busted beyond all recognition, hopefully it'll get fixed.


nice job,looking forword to next build!btw i can help with the translation on chinese.let me know if its needed.


Thank you for releasing this build! It's nice to see your progress. Sadly, it's breaking at a lot of points for me. largely with mixed signals from clients, saying both to stop AND to go faster?? And also not registering when goals have been met during a scene, causing angry clients. Still pretty stuttery for m as well.


I am really liking this game! I have to ask though... How does one fully use the console commands (I know to type "help", I just like to know more...)

damion crowley

i hope im not being greedy but can i ask if their is a expected finish date?


just me or does Edison permanently get stuck on "You got it boss, i'll place the order right away" in this build?


Nevermind, just let the dialogue go all the way through and hit 1 instead of escape


<3 this game so far~ Great progress! Can't wait for the full game!


Hey, this is fun and it's nice to see progress being made, but there are some issues with this version. The auto and hands-free auto control modes no longer seem to work for getting clients off. My character just sort of hovers over the client and never goes down all the way, meaning that the climax meter never really increases. I have some RSI problems in my hands and can't really do the manual mode, and even when I've tried it just massively swings around and seems nearly impossible to control. I know you've got a lot of other stuff to do, but fixing that feature would boost my enjoyment of the game a lot.


Vaginal intercourse for female avatars is extremely difficult to control at the moment, even if you are attempting to do it manually. Anal is fine.