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1) 0.2.6 included a LOT of new postprocessing effects that are unfinished, untoggleable, and - in many cases - unpleasant. I'll be cleaning up several of them, turning off several others, and putting the ones the remain behind on the options menu, so you can disable the stuff you don't like.

2) Bug fixing! As always, you can report bugs here, and monitor my progress here.

3) Polishing interactions! While 0.2.6 was focused on speeding up performance, 0.2.7 will be focused on making things pretty again, under the new system. Several of the sex animations had to be migrated to the new system in 0.2.6, and because the update was already taking so long, I didn't spend much time polishing those animations once they were basically functional. In 0.2.7, I'll be going through the existing animations to make them pretty, and I'll also be adding a few new ones.

4) Human-like hairstyles that automagically morph to match any species' head, updated embellishments, and a couple new species.



cool! thanks for the update fek and keep up ya good work :D


Hey sorry for the slightly off-topic question and if the answer is somewhere, lemme now! I was curious what the different control schemes mean. There's manual, semi-auto, auto but they all seem the same except for manual.


Just casually playing it right now xD


Some of them are now redundant, as I've continued making changes since I implemented them! At the time, though, it went something like: 1) Manual: your exact mouse movements are used to move things up/down and left/right 2) Semi-auto: you can wiggle the mouse however you want, and the game will automatically play up/down animations based on how fast you're wiggling/moving 3) Auto: the game automatically animates faster or slower based on where your mouse is, on the screen, but you don't need to keep moving it. 4) Hands-free-auto: the same as #3, except you can let go of the mouse entirely.


Glad to see your response, since this version's not viable for me and some others; speed may have improved, but the game is untenable... <br>Everything I mentioned in my last comment made, plus, when it did move, the character frequently disintegrated into a cloud of starry bits, dragged appendages (penis, tail, ears, breasts) into impossible directions, stretched things like taffy/elastic bands and so on, so this, losing that bloom/sparkly spangle blur effect, and eliminating how the player character can hop back to a stuck position whenever you move, and what I commented about earlier would be a nice option... <br><br>I look forward to the next incarnation, hopefully done in such a way that doesn't overload my poor OLD machine :-/


This iteration runs much faster than 0.2.5 indeed, but goddamn is it running ugly. Credit where it's due, the difference in how well this game runs is still like day and night, and I'll look forward to 0.2.7 where my char won't try to break out of the Matrix.


going to assume that the next update won't take as long as the other updates? I mean there was a lot introduced in the new version that some people didn't like. Some of it was bugs or features that we aren't able to disable or adjust.


so much SPEED! I'm loving the new load times and it looks well enough for my needs. a few minor things are odd when using a smaller character, but I'm not sure if it is a glitch just yet. if there was anything I didn't care for about the update, it is the almost dreamy ambiance from all the lights. just doesn't fit to me. or i'm just being picky :P keep It up fek! you got a great game so far.


Hey Fek, keep up the good work and thank you for the awesome Game! Could you Tell me which species are coming up next?


Aww, still no support for UWHD fullscreen. I have a monitor with 3440x1440 resolution and the UI is cut of and I can't see/click everything and have to play in windowed mode.


just signed up. only get black screen. :(


the game wont load it gets hung up on the back up save data


Hey Fek, so I run a POS laptop and want to know the best graphics settings to use to maximize speed. Also, I cant seem to switch to a walking pace in this build, as higher speeds f my computer... any suggestions?


At this time, I can only say the game may not be fully optimised to play on a computer without a full fledged GPU. I cannot say anything twords an APU due to not having an AMD CPU but I do know that my intel APU version is not able to play this at this time due to limitations. (your results may vary) If you do want to try, however, when you launch the game you'll get a dialogue box to select the quality, set that to fastest. My frame rate, when I had attempted was, to me, not playable (your results may differ). If you have some of the same issues as me, go into the graphics settings (ESC) and reduce the ik quality, texture quality, and 2 more I can't think of at the moment that are there and it may make it playable. Good luck.

Michael Hunt

I found a solution for that. You hit use old save then just nuke the save manually when the game boots up.

Michael Hunt

I think I might have to wait until 0.27 because the post processing effects are causing a LOT of problems. Like my character bouncing back and forth, framerate issues, and who knows WHAT else. Once it rolls around I'll be able to do more thorough examining but at the moment what was once an easily accessible title (as the main area you 'play' in had top frames even if the rest of the rendered world didn't) is now equally as unusable. And yes, I have settings to minimal. Always do. Well...minimum fullscreen at 1280X720 but still pretty freaking minimalized.


Just spent 3 hours and 25 minutes troubleshooting this version, persistent full system crashes no matter the graphical settings or screen resolution size, i crashed a total of ninety-one times, every crash in under 5 minutes of gameplay. i fully categorized my hell in a long bug report going over all the steps i took. this version is literally unplayable for me, i hope fek uploads some hotfixes soon because i'm really sad that i can't play the new version after over 5 months of waiting


Little side note, all the other game versions are completely fine for me! just this one fucks my pc and i dont know why, all my hardware diagnostics are reading normal under load from this game and then BOOM, full system crash


Speaking of embellishments I've been creating some in blender, created; goat horns, devil horns, and devil/dragon tail tip.

damion crowley

is it a bug that when trying to walk forward it causes artifctig and trys to move faster than it should aswell as my character not knowing which way its suppose to face when walking so it rapidly turns around and gose side to side rappidly and the ears are all floppy all of them including the npc's


I have run into this issue as well when i used the iGPU (Intel on die GPU) for my Intel CPU. It is better to use an external GPU as you would get better results for the game. You could probably use the APU (AMD on die GPU) but results may vary.


It seems that bringing back characters you made in previous builds result in some weird bug where you can't actually have vaginal sex. The rack will go down all the way down and past the floor and the floor panel would rise over you.

SoanoS Barcoded

Yeah, I have that same issue. My poor, poor beautiful zebra I spent hours to create... ._. Not even mentioning smears and other stuff. :p The new cock ring model is nice tho. It doesn't look like a donut anymore.


The GPU and CPU load while running the game is ridiculous. It will run near max (100%) on my system. Is this a known issue, it is a Unity problem? The quality settings barely affect the performance as well. I don't recall having this issue with older releases.

Aromatic Hyena

please make it so we can disable motion blur, unless theres already a way, could someone explain?