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Feel free to swing by and watch me do a bunch of boring optimization stuff. 8D

https://picarto.tv/fek (NSFW)



thx for letting us know :D


Hey, when's the next Rack2 update coming?


The only realistic answer Fek could provide is prolly "when it's done". Software development takes time and it is also notoriously difficult to estimate...which is why games get delayed all the time. There is literally a law regarding this difficulty in estimation called Hofstadter's law. It states that complex tasks will always take longer than you think, even when taking into account Hofstadter's law. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hofstadter%27s_law" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hofstadter%27s_law</a>


I just hope group stuff starts working its way into the game even if its only 2-3 animations


I hope that, at some point, being able to manage employees come into play. That would be a wonderful feature for the game in my opinion. That and manage the wardrobe as well for employees and or mod clothes in general.


In software design it's best to keep the focus tight at first, especially since there is limited manpower here. Scope creep tends to kill projects dead :). That being said sometimes you can build the "hooks" into the foundation so that you can POTENTIALLY add flexible stuff later.