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Hey folks!

As mentioned in my last post, I've been working on a small collaborative side project with Draite, and we've got a prototype ready for some limited playtesting.

You can find the game (as well as a brief introduction to the game's rules) at: http://fek.onl/dump/brothel/ 

The password is: whoragewars


This is a multiplayer game for 4 players. Bots will automatically fill empty spots, so feel free to start a private game to learn the ropes before jumping into a game with other people!

Also, since this is going to be a very limited test audience (at least for a few days, while it's still exclusive to Patreon supporters), you might need to organize with some friends to get a game going! Feel free to share the password with close friends that you'd like to play with, but please don't post the password publicly!

What is this?

Pawstitution is a quick little side project that Draite and I have been working on for a month or two. It's a multiplayer brothel management game that plays a little bit like Settlers of Catan meets Underhand.

Eventually, I'd like to add a sexy metagame of some sort to this: perhaps a Bedplay/MiFi-style sex game with characters that you earn by playing. For now, though, it's a fairly simple game with just a few cheeky little adult antics on the sidebar.

Why is everything so pixely?

Because we're using a lot of placeholder graphics! Draite is in the process of working on the game's actual interface, which will be much cleaner and nicer than all this junk I've been using so far!

I hate it.


What about Rack 2?

Still on it! I took a short diversion to work on this for the past month, but now that there's a prototype ready, I'm gonna let it simmer for a bit, get some feedback from you guys, and wait on art from Draite. While that's all going on, I'm jumping back over to Rack 2 to work on the next update!




Current Manjaro distribution, Firefox Quantum 60.0.1 (64 bit), Flash plugin installed less than a week ago: Context3D not available! Possible reasons: wrong wmode or missing device support.


For debugging purposes for those having issues getting the game to run or have other means of rendering flash content: The game's URI is fek.onl/dump/brothel/brothel_game.swf If you save the SWF locally, you can create an HTML document and embed the SWF using: <object data="Path/To/brothel_game.swf" height="100%" width="100%"></object> Path/To/brothel_game.swf is the path to the SWF, relative to where you are saving the HTML. I don't have a lot of time to look at it, but I suspect anyone having issues (like the "Context3D not available") either doesn't have Adobe Flash installed, their browser no longer supports flash (that's where this world is headed, thanks to how insecure Flash is), the project was compiled without the <rendermode>direct</rendermode> tag, or some other user-side issue is to blame. If you're sure you have Adobe Flash installed, it may be worth checking how this runs in different browsers (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Edge/IE) and through different architectures (i.e. try running it in the x64 and x86 releases of each browser). Be wary of any site telling you to download any sort of installer or plugin, other than those provided by Adobe. I'd recommend that Fek/Draite recompile the project for the Adobe AIR runtime, which will package everything to run regardless of the user's environment and without opening huge holes in browser security by installing a Flash plugin. (PM me if you want help with this)


Compiled for direct, and my HTML frame sets wmode to direct, so that can be ruled out! Confirmed working in several browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and IE. Also works locally, as you suggested. Doing some investigation to see what else could cause failure to obtain context. And yep, the game's already built and compiled using AIR (I actually had it running on my phone earlier, too, barring a few UI issues). A standalone executable will likely be available once the game is closer to finished, so people can avoid plugin woes.


Pretty fun, I like the concept. I'm one of those people who enjoys gameplay with their yiff games, so this is rather neat.


Interesting game. Would be interesting to see it expanded on as a future project.


Awesome. Will you finally be adding cunnilingus and face sitting?


I am not really one for games that are either turn based and or strategy games like this one, however it did have my attention. For my review for the game I plan to post nothing specifically towards the game till there is a bit more of an advance of the game to base things off of, however like PonE-Sharp said it is fun, and has a nice concept, I yet, remain neutral till there is more to go off of, as is too early for me to say something. Hope to see where this will turn, and how it develops, by then I will definitely say something more.


interesting game fek i like the concept keep it up :D also i never received an email about this post for some reason =/

Erik Schwarz

why i just hear the types of the poll on my ear? XD


But I don't have any friends who like furry stuff... :'c W-who will play with me? Anyone??

Makeshift Razor

It'd be interesting to make a physical copy or at least provide resources to produce one's own physical copy.


it happens, its a pateron thing. same thing happens with YouTube and alike for me. sometimes you'll get notifications, others it can either be delayed or not at all. when notifications like in the case pateron or there are sites with sich thing that allow email notifications, when there is a new post, event, and or something it's sent out as a mass email. in other words, seeing there are 3,000+ backers for the game, it would have to send out 3,000+ emails simultaneously. with that, the possibility to not receive a notification is possible.


Short and fun. Not something I'd play multiple times though.


how long till we get a new version of rack 2?


hope this gets more updates. pretty fun


I have tested it with 3 of my friend and we enjoyed it a lot ^^ keep doing what you are doing you are good at it :p (even if i can't wait or the rack 2 updates ^^")


I enjoyed my brief time playing this game. Its simple and charming and I dont mean this in a demeaning way. I honestly had fun. I did have some suggestions, but im not sure what the future finished version will look like. Though I will probably post my suggestions anyway just in case lol. For one, I understand there will be nudity and that is awesome! However, I'm not sure if there will be any sex shown. I think that it might be good to make some pictures showing the naughty acts of your brothel. One up it by making them into animations instead of just still pictures. Though I'm not sure if Fek or Draite want to go to that much trouble for it lol. Animated sex pics/scenes would be pretty cool though just saying. Secondly, a sort of in game table would be cool to see. Maybe a board where all four players brothels are on each side of it. You know, a visual representation of whats going on. You could even have the events affect the board. I'm a very visual person and seeing a lot of art in action is important at least to me lol. I'll reference the Tabletop game Armello which appearance wise would look great for this game, though I don't expect us to be moving any pieces on the board lol. Just for visual references. Thirdly, why not make this into its own patreon? Perhaps you can earn a bit more on this project and just split it between whosever working on it. Then people that stumble on it but dont know about Rack can be directed here and vice versa. It might allow more traffic as well as potential profit. Like, catching butterflies with two nets rather then one lol. Those are just some ideas I had. I mean no disrespect by any of them and I wish both Rack 2 and this game to succeed to their fullest :D


I did have one problem with this game though. It seems to be bigger then my screen, how do i fix that?


I dont see a download button.


Naka er kan gur leben mit $27,768 per month und Spart auch noch.. mhh der hat bestimmt schon 100.000 :)