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Hey folks!

I just got back from BLFC, and I'm working on catching up on messages!

Many of you guys are aware of my "premature optimization is evil" mantra, but because of the nature of early access, and especially with the amount of bug reports coming in from the previous build, I'm realizing that it's probably about time for me to do an optimization/bugfixing update. The last two or three builds have been very hit or miss, and I'd like to get things working more reliably for the next update, so expect some performance optimization. This also coincides with the release of a new Unity beta build that should offer some pretty significant performance boosts once I retool some things (especially IK/physics).

In other news, I've been working on a small collaborative project with Draite, the guy behind Sexy Mad Science and Picaroon. We can't show much, yet, because it's currently using a fuckton of copyrighted placeholder art, but it's a multiplayer brothel management game somewhere along the lines of Scythe / Settlers... with boobs and dicks and stuff. You guys will be the first to try it out once we get some proper placeholder art worked out, and there's also a very good chance I'll be asking y'all for characters to use in the game as brothel workers, traveling VIPs, and heroes. Will keep you guys posted!



cool :D keep doing what you do


Cool, I offer my character for the game.


sounds awesome! keep it up, you wonderful pervert, you! XD ;P


How would i offer up a character by chance?


You really need to routinely spend time curating your bug list - you have a lot of what look to me to be duplicate bugs that you could resolve, bringing the bug count down. You could also at least acknowledge the bugs - I've written several, with what I consider to be detailed information, with no feedback whatsoever, which disinclines me to write up the other issues I have found. I also fear you may be falling into the trap that Dikatana and Duke Nukem Forever fell in to, of continually changing the framework rather than making progress on the game.


nevermind, i figured out how to do it, was going about Racknet wrong

Alex Matthews

Just FIX THE FRAME RATE, the game is unbearable in its current state


I dont know about you, but if you are playing this on a computer that does not have a graphics card populated in a x16 slot or 2 x8 slots (SLI / Crossfire) the game may not have very good performance in the way of frame rate or loading at all in some cases. I have tried this by unpluging the power connector on my MSI 1050 Ti and used the CPU / APU and got a max of 12 FPS for the game. And I have the CPU overclocked to 4.2GHz. When using the APU portion of the CPU (if the CPU does not have its own GPU on-die) core 3 (if quad-core Intel (4x core)) is given the task of putting the video on the screen and CPUs are not all that great at doing it alone. It may not be the game causing the issue, It may be the available hardware. Also if you dont have enough RAM in the computer (minimum of 8GB Recommended) the files will get swapped in and out of pagefile which is much slower than RAM If by chance you do have a GPU installed make sure you have the up-to-date driver installed for that GPU or any hardware you may have installed.

Alex Matthews

I'm using a Radeon r7 M448 graphics card, should I just take back my laptop and something better on my next check? I bought a new laptop specifically because I wanted to play this... And Siege


I wouldn't make any rash decisions - this game is very far from finished, and hasn't been optimized at all, yet.

Alex Matthews

I understand, (and by the way, hi, big fan) but I really want to be able to play it in the meantime instead of waiting an unknown time frame for it's eventual optimization...

Alex Matthews

Well for starters I just have a laptop, so no over clocking or external chips here.

Alex Matthews

I bought it with some snazzy Radeon R7 M448 graphics card built in, I was really hoping that would suffice


I agree with Fek, looking up the specifications of the of the Graphics card, it is more than capable of playing the game.


Have you tried to play Rack 2 v0.2.4b? Would that version play smoothly on your current setup while there is performance tweaks on the current one?

Alex Matthews

The older version is alot smoother, I even make it to the good stuff now, thanks. Just wondering, how does one access the sex toys, and it seems that receiving blowjobs will come later?


For the sex toys, there are only dildo, cock ring, and vibrating cock ring at this time. To get those you need to go to the research bay and do research on the items using the chemicals you obtain such as Canidine, Lapinine, Equimine, Avium, Scalium, and Felinium in the *Research Interface*. From there you need to do research for the Material Synthesis Station and Gyro Dock. Once that is complete more research is needed for the Dildo, Cock Ring, and Vibrating Cock Ring. About blowjobs, that depends, there are apparatuses that allow for such things (if your character is male or female with a dick(not limited to just this)) like Rack Stocks, Rack Table, and Inverter Rack. For that you will need to do research for them and the Apparatus Manufacturing Bay the same way for the other items. Hope this helps in playing Rack 2.


optimize me daddy. But seriously, great game and I can't wait to see how it will go. the new build seem to have fixed a very bad memory leak. I have a 1080 and everything on max seem to break the game on scene loading from an out of avail memory crash


I couldn't find a better place to ask, so I'll do it here. How does one go about dismissing a subject for a new one? can that be done without restarting the game?


Sorry to zombie your comment by responding 5 days later (surprised Fek didn't get to this actually). Do you mean dismissing a subject you have in a test room already? There's a button for that on the UI, top corner. If you mean subjects in the tubes when you're given a selection of characters to pick from, there is currently no user-accessible means of cycling out the subject pool other than actually going ahead with a session, or quitting to the menu and coming back in. There is actually code in the game to make it re-select another batch of subjects, but it can only be made accessible by modding right now, and the mod to do it is very out of date at this point.


to select another set of characters you can get around it by going down to the Chemical Research Bay and go into the Research Interface and leave just seconds after then go back to selecting characters as the previous ones would then be available to be refreshed. I have found this to work however it may not always work.


Yes Devon. I'm trying to empty the rack so someone new can be put there. If you're talking about the button in the top left corner that shows while you're interacting with the subject, it doesn't seem to do anything for now. I don't mind having to restart the game to put a new subject on the rack. I just hoped there was an quicker way to do it


I know this was a month ago, but I found a way to Recycle the Characters VIA Using the "Prefrences" Menu. All you have to do is open it, Save the Prefrences (As the Game dosent Deny Unneeded Changes) And Talk to Your... Person who Give the Subject, and the Map Reloads with new Subjects.


I believe that does refresh your options but I don't think that will free up the rack if you've been playing with a subject. They'll still be tied down and waiting for you