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Hey folks! Found and fixed the magenta bug / missing shader issue. Turns out the latest Unity update changed the way that shaders get packaged up, and some vital shaders weren't being included.

New download links:

MAC: https://mega.nz/#!VJIWQK7Q!6ANGPF066TqxV3CaJHA7t9t-Fzs7kEZpOJuRDLhm7ZI

LINUX: https://mega.nz/#!xBp0HDzK!2Kbr4VBJE0JP2TrF6ITkgwaXsZ-13eXwuNT4-2I-_w0

WIN32: https://mega.nz/#!wUZmxb5J!nnNRcQvFJ5uVCX9XsQN8e5Nf8X-u6FEvWF_AueW8emc

WIN64: https://mega.nz/#!BVhyBDzI!PRqIoEHPKUTsr0UQmws8cyDFfxlBN9o9TcZfAVwsxL4


Also, I've got a request for those of you who are getting stuck on this screen!

Normally, the best place to report bugs is http://furry.science/reportabug/, but for this specific bug, I'd like to get some output logs emailed to me directly.

This build of the game was set up to be a lot more resilient against startup errors, and if you're still getting stuck on that screen, it means there's something very unusual going on. If you have a few minutes and would like to help me track down these unusual issues, here's how you can help:

1) Find your outpug log.

On Windows, it should be located at: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Fek\Rack 2_ Furry Science\output_log.txt

On Mac, it should be located at:

2) Email it to me at fek@fek.onl, with the title "Uncaught Startup Exception"

Thank you! <3



So, another reason to burn Unity to the ground? XD Thank you FEK!


Wow, my antivirus really hates whatever changed. Somehow I've been stripped of administrator permission from the folder I extracted it to...


upon opening the console and typing anything, a white blank and un-removable box covers the middle of the screen

Aaron Neumann

Wow, that was fast... let's see how this would fare.


Email with File attached sent.


I noticed that as well, but found it happens when I press "J" So I just don't press that button. .-.


I had this bug when i was closing it down, not on startup


works fine for me fek execpt that screen bug when i try to quit the game :)

Master Leon

But a little Bug i've found. Look for the hand claws on left side they are ok but on the rigt side half of them you can't see. This should be a little issue and not hard to fix. But it looks wired if on left hand feline characters have 5 hand claws and on the right side only 2 or 3.


yeah same happens trying to quit game


Does the inflation go down with time?

SoanoS Barcoded

Thanks for the fix. However I discovered a new issue. Now none of the embellishments seem to work. The existing ones aren't visible and when I try to add a new or edit an existing one the list of embellishments is completely blank. PARTIAL FIX! First, Back up your save data! Then copy the the embellishments, embellishmentpackages and hairstyles directories from the game install directory and paste them to your %AppData%\LocalLow\Fek\Rack 2_ Furry Science\ directory, overwriting existing files. This won't fix everything but it will restore at least some of the embellishments. I wish the Tailend-embellishments were still in, they seemed to be missing for now.


A suggestion: as much as you are getting a month, getting a Linux system and a Mac for testing shouldn't be a problem. Get removable drive caddies for those machines and for your development machine, get a pair of identical drives for each machine, and set up a clean OS image for each machine. Make a copy of the clean image for each machine each time you want to make a release, and then try an install on the fresh machine. Of course you periodically update the clean images so they have the latests updates.


Thanks for the fix, Fek. Amazing game! :)


Quick question; how do I install theis update? Do I just extract like noirmal? What about my savedata?


In my testing you're better off starting new. You can use the same characters and give yourself the resources you had if you know how to edit XML. I'm working on a tool that will update characters so that at least they are re-usable and I don't have to manually update them anymore.


Now THAT is an acceptable version ! Still testing, though. Didn't have the bad bug from last version, but I found that when you quit the session instead of going back to menu you just go to that bugged screen again. At least if it's when you quit it's not a problem. More comment soon...


Opening console seems to be spawning an opaque white rectangle in the middle of the screen. Can't seem to get it to go away. Edit: It's actually opening the console and then starting to type something that brings up the square.


Decals don't seem to work properly. Every time I try to use one it just doesn't go on the body.


same thing on mine, but it only appeared after opening the options console after a few minutes of play


anyone else having trouble quitting? My game freezes on a black screen and even the task manager freezes up so the only option is to force sign out of my account in order to get the game to shut down. It seems to be saving my progress because when I reopen the game its shows a save file to play from, but can't seem to actually close the application on exit.


I get that bug returning to the main menu sometimes.


I'm facing a completely different bug. Game crashes after loading characters. Looked it up on google, updated my drivers, flushed my dns, did a whole bunch of stuff, nothing works. Issue apparently only happens when the game tries to load some species, so far I can at least get snow leopard and mouse to load in character creation. Anything else I try to create/get as a client makes the game crash. Will send report if it persists after trying a few other things. Anyone else got any ideas?


deleting this folder \AppData\LocalLow\Fek\Rack 2_ Furry Science\embellishment helps to launch game (but you wont see any furs; win7 64bit)


I have this weird screen that does not allow me to test your game :( I send you my logs.

Skye Dyvr

Able to start the game, then it locked up after the first customer and had to kill the process


Just wish there was an option to disable inflation.


Right now, cum inflation is always on, regardless of your fetish preferences. Eventually, you will be able to toggle it on or off based on your settings.


Running Windows 7 64-bit, can never get past the loading screen whether I try to create a new character or load an old save. Just stuck loading forever. When I try to load an old save, though, I do hear the rain sounds.


Mein Charakter kann keinen Orgasmus erreichen. Ich weiß nicht, ob es ein Fehler ist oder ob etwas mit meinem Spiel nicht stimmt oder was. Deshalb sage ich das hier.


One other bug, for what it's worth. We have a case a growing body parts, such as scrotum and stomach. Occurs after climax to some males.


just curious, am i the only one who clicks the game to launch, and nothing happens? i get a lil pin wheel likes its loading but then nothing happens ive tried reinstalling


there are a few others having the same issue as you are


UWHD Resolution cuts of 1/4 of the bottom. I have 3440x1440 Anyone else have this problem?


same 21:9 monitor cuts some of the screen off =/have to use a lower resolution to resolve the issue.


Ok, I got a Question. Since Im Now Getting 0.2.4 - C, I dont know how to Transfer my save files over to the newer version, without Delving into the file system and Breaking the game entirely. Will it automaticallly transfer saves or will I have to... Suffer to even get my character to load? (Also a Note of something in 0.2.3 that stressed me, and Not sure was fixed. There is a Bug when Using Large Genitalia (Like Equine) where the Physics after 13 Orgasms on a female and Herm Character where the Physics just give up and The Subject's Stomach just..... Explodes into a glitch mess. Also that the decal system does not work for me and it makes my character less unique XF))


you fuckin' rock, dude.


The game said it didn't initialize properly and that I should wipe my app data. Does it mean the data in the game folder or somewhere on my computer? I use windows 10. Sorry if I am being dumb about this, can't find what it specifically means.


I may not be the most computer literate person on the planet but I'm having real issues with this on Mac, as in haven't had a playable version since 1.9. now even with this new version I have an infinite loading screen right after selecting to not load saved data. I've tried erasing all files and loading the loading the last playable files and using this to update, but I've let it sit in the "updating" screen and the app is not responding. any Mac people have an issue or is it working?


im getting the screen for that weird bug but when i go to find my output log, i can't find it. I am trying to follow what it says to do above but I apparently don't have the AppData location. Admittedly I do download the game straight into my hard-drive as my computer doesn't seem to have a lot of room despite me being told that it could handle everything that I need and do. Can someone please help with at least finding what im looking for so i can send the right information.


do i send the output log as well when i get that screen when i try to exit the game? edit: Sent it anyway, hope it helps you


when you go into the folder "C:Users\your_username" there should be at the top an option called "view" there you need to select "hidden items" after that you should be able to find the folder "appdata" hope it helps =)


type %appdata% in the search window when you press the windows key i cannot really remember if this is the command for it or even if that is where it needs to be entered as i have been running Linux for about a year now so if someone has a better idea feel free to correct me as i am quite rusty with windows at the moment


just get stucked in this shitty character creation bug send you a email with the outputs really sad i cant play the game since last 3 updates payed for nothing right now hope it will be better in the future...


Is your computer a 32-bit or a 64-bit? I ask because i have noticed that when i tried the 32-bit version on a 64-bit processor i get stuck at the character creation screen.


I have pleyed the game for about 4h and I have noticed that when switching between free cam and fixed cam i get the magenta bug, however it is sometimes localized at the tail then expands to the whole body, all in all I have found a temporary fix, for that heading into the shower and editing the character kind of fixes it if it is localized at the tail or sometimes it fixes itself. This bug happens with clothes, with the shirt, with just the pants, and rarely when naked. Setup Motherboard: Z77 Extream6 CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K 8GB RAM @ 1333Mhz MSI GeForce 1050 ti Windows 7


Just noticed that there may be a file issue to some extent. If the file from a previous name either from game modes "free play" or "campaign" it makes the game spout a not responding tag at the top of the window. i wonder If anyone has run into this.


Is there a way to increase the speed that your stomach deflates, or reduce the speed at which it fills with jizz? Everyone just ends up looking preggers at the moment, ha!


to some extent yes Go to advanced character editor (head to showers) and go to the tab "Sexual Characteristics" move the slider labeled "orgasm duration" to the left, move the slider Cum / Squirt Volume to the left and this should fix your issue be sure to tap the button on the right "preview orgasm" to make sure the settings have applied or if they may have changed at all as I have not changed much of these settings as I have just noticed these setting myself. I will test it when I get home if you have not already and I will post it here to let you know


Has anyone run into the issue where all contents of the game gets placed into RAM? I am currently using on low settings with a max of 5.8GB of system RAM being used


haha it still didn't work for me.

Caelan Whitecolt

This crashes so frequently and unpredictably that it's actually unplayable. Having played an earlier version someone else showed me, and remember how fun Rack 1 was, this is pretty disappointing. I don't even know that a bug report will help with this, there seems to be no pattern to when it crashes, it just does, regularly. In about 10 minutes of game play I'd be lucky to see more than a minute without a crash. I was going to report this as a bug but it does state that "it crashes all the time" isn't specific enough, which is difficult, since that's exactly what I'm having happen.


i'm unsure what the problem with your systems could be, may be a driver or graphics card conflict because i've never had a crash on my system

Caelan Whitecolt

I reinstalled, restarted, and tried again. It's even worse. Now it won't even get as far as generating a crash report it just hangs during the loading screen - ie: LOADING: NPC Receptionist - and the only way to get out of it is the Windows key. It's frustrating, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, if anything. I'm running Windows 10, but that hasn't caused issues for others in and of itself and I don't have driver/graphics conflicts on other games I've played recently. What specs/info would it help for me to provide? Is there a better location to troubleshoot this than the comments here?


What is your current set up for what you are trying to play the game on? Do you have a discreet graphics card and if so what is the graphics card? How much RAM (Random Access Memory) do yu have installed in the computer? **Not recommended to try and play the game using the onboard graphics** IE. VGA / DVI / HDMI / Display Port that is on your motherboard (results may vary) I am currently running Windows 7 Graphics Card: 4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (MSI) CPU: Intel Core i5 3570K @ 3.40GHz OC 4GHz RAM: 8GB for me i have a few issues with it consuming the full lot of RAM however I keep an eye using Task manager (performance tab) and I use windowed because if it crashes or fails to run like it should I have some control to stop the application and not have to do the halt catch fire routine. You can also try and turning down the texture quality as this has helped for me if you were able to play it before on the system you say you have played it on. If the application does not start as you say (had this happen) then I can say it may not be playable at this time in your current set up. If by chance you can get it to load the entry portion where you can select the quality of the game turn that down as low as it can go and see if it loads the game and if it does go straight to the texture quality and turn that down. hope this helps in finding a sweet spot.

The Assassin

I have a problem where ill start up the game and it'll immediately put me on a screen that just says "Genitals" in the top left and I won't be able to do anything but close out of the game.


Mail send^^


the ghost body option doesn't work on mine for some reason