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Hey folks!

Because there's been a recent influx of new supporters, I wanted to update the development timeline and try to give a better picture of where we're at, and where we're headed.

Rack 2 is still very much a work in progress. In its current state, it is not far enough along to be called a beta, or even an alpha. Core gameplay mechanics are unfinished, the mechanics that are finished are not properly balanced, and most of the game's content won't even be started until we reach phase 3.

It's flattering to think that some players are already anticipating advanced features like VR, multiplayer, and stable cross-platform support, but as premature hype starts to build, I want to make sure that I'm managing expectations properly.

Rack 2, in its current state, is still just a collection of frameworks. Most of these frameworks are independently functional, but not actually working together in a way that constitutes real gameplay. An obvious example of this is the objectives system, which frequently asks you for things you can't do yet.

We're just now starting to get to the fun parts. Now that we're in phase 2, I'm going to start turning all of these loose frameworks and systems into something coherent and enjoyable. Over the next few months, many of these frameworks will start to play together more nicely, and by the time we hit phase 3, players should be able to sit down and enjoy the game's bare bones without relying on cheats or workarounds to progress through content.

There is still a long way to go, though, and I thank you tremendously for your patience and your support. I can't possibly thank you all enough for giving me the opportunity to work on this project, and I'm excited to start shaping things into a proper game soon.




keep it up fek ur doin gr8 :D


lets go ,,,,


Keep it up! Btw you have an awesome fan base, I should get to know some of you people. :)


It's a shame that the way you are approaching this could not be used as a case study for software engineering - you are doing things right.

Spazzle Dusky

If you ever need someone to help you test the VR function when and if it gets there I'd be more than happy to help out with feed back and whatnot :3

many muenze

Hey I have a problem and although I tried to connect with the recknet and it happens nothing there is always only there racknet lobby enter ... but it does not happen any more times when I restart the game as soon as I load my game this Message and nothing happened i dont can play anymore I have the game completely deleted and reintall and funny are my memory still there but the problem is always still there please help me


Your game is really promising, I know you only work alone and this makes the game become exactly what you want, but the downside is that everything takes so long to be made. I have been following your project for sometime and even if the development is slow, it's steady and planned, which is better than many projects out there. Anyway, thanks for your great work.


Thank you for your hard work, Fek. You're fucking awesome.

Kinnos Sharpe

Kind of hard to get excited when all the versions after 0.1.9 haven't worked at all for me


See this is what I love about this project. There's a clear and layed out schedule. Many of the other projects out there just milk their patrons knowing full well they will never finish. I'm happy to support you fek.


Well, as long you keep steady with updates, you should be fine. The fact is you have a road map, which is something that tends to keep expectations in check for many people. I'm not asking the world of you, just gotta do it right.


Oh yeah. I have an Oculus Rift so I'm more than happy to help out with VR, if you get there


I just hope Multiplayer will be a thing x3


who's had to cheat? I've never cheated (didn't know there were any in this game, honestly) and had made it I think to the end of content. that is not me bragging, that is me scratching my head, wondering how much time I wasted when I could have been strictly enjoying the game without worrying about the grind... Well, not that worried about the 'grind'

Countersync (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-07 03:08:28 Nice.
2017-08-22 02:46:01 There were plenty of times when 'the grind' was broken for one reason or another.

There were plenty of times when 'the grind' was broken for one reason or another.


This project that you have devoted a lot of your time to is something amazing. I really do appreciate what you have given us so far. If I have one nitpick, could you please fix female intercourse. I understand that you have a roadmap of sorts and I don't want to sidebar you with anything else but not having that in the game is like putting brand new tires on a car that has no gas.


ok so i am having a problem with the newest update every time i try to cross the bridge to get to the science lab is cuts out everything except the outside of the map i can rotate my camera but i can not get past the bridge everything dissapears any reason this could be happening


Thanks for all your hard work Fek! :D


ok, question; how do i change what the managers and clients call me??? if i make any changes to the translations.xml page, it bugs out.


Hey, Fek, was that you mentioned on the HRDQ stream?


When I open the game all I get is a screen stuck on a rainy menu that doesn't let me start the game. Anyone know hot to fix this? Thanks-

Grey Angel

Whenever I'm in the platform/elevator area, I get sent to what I assume is the roof cause all I can see is the city around me.

Jeffery Craft

i am also having the problem silverjack did. I pledged 10 dollars once to see if ill like the game before I become a ful supporter please tell me how to fix this so I can try out the game


nope. unfortunately 0.2.1 has an issue were the collisions between you and the floor don't work in some areas, so you end up falling through the floor. and, for me anyway, once you fall there is no getting back to "stable ground".


hello, how are you? I wanted to know if the game is almost ready so that you can break frat?


The guy just said the game is not even in alpha yet... but in case that's too "technical" for you, no, its not ready yet nor is it going to be for the next couple of years. Next time read the damn post before asking such a stupid question. :/


Yay, nice!))


Well done with this roadmap, colleague! ;)