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Hey folks!

Thank you all again for your patience. I know it's been a while!

There are still one or two small issues I'm waiting on before I officially wrap up 0.1.12, but I wanted to go ahead and post a build so that you guys had something to play with, in the mean time.


- KNOWN BUGS: Test subjects sometimes have glitchy dicks, and RackNet is temporarily unavailable while I wait for an API update from PlayerIO. I was initially going to just wait until the update was ready, but people are getting antsy, and I figured y'all deserved something more than an "it's coming, I swear" status update.

- Female characters can now squirt.

- The entire cum framework has been replaced with one that looks better and runs MUCH faster.

- You can now customize your own character's sexual characteristics, like their stamina, sensitivity, tightness, and how they cum/squirt.

- You can now customize your own character's sexual preferences. These do not override your own personal preferences (as chosen in the Preferences menu), but they do affect the way your character behaves as a test subject when uploaded to RackNet.

- You can now pleasure yourself in the shower, to test out some of your sexual characteristic settings. There is also a button to instantly give yourself an orgasm to test cum/squirt settings.

- Racknet will now properly handle custom textures and decals. Hairstyles are still being finicky, but I'm aware of the problem.

- Several stability issues and security exploits within RackNet have been fixed.

- Several memory leaks have been fixed, including the "big one" that prevented most people from playing builds 0.1.10 and 0.1.11.

- Several character animation and physics issues have been fixed, especially around the pubic and belly regions. Balls are still being a bit wonky, as has become customary.

- The "ghost" shader has been updated for better compatibility with older GPUs.

- The game now uses deferred lighting instead of forward lighting, if your GPU supports it. This results in a boost to rendering performance, and it allows me to use more intricate / detailed lighting.

- The new character texture loading system has now been implemented for both Mac and Linux. I do not have firsthand access to mac/linux boxes for testing, so mac/linux users, please let me know if this worked.

- As a reminder, all of the gameplay-related variables are completely unbalanced, and only exist for testing purposes right now. With that said, however, using automatic control modes should no longer cause a massive drop in how much pleasure you receive.

- Fixed several bugs:

- 0000099: [Bugs] Pop-in when transitioning from lab room to pit floor is abysmal

- 0000215: [Bugs] If you save your character or upload it to racknet in first person, your head is missing from snapshot (fek)

- 0000214: [Bugs] Game doesn't wait for character rebuilds when taking save screen "snapshot"

- 0000070: [Bugs] Decals are applied to a character "one step late"

- 0000138: [Bugs] Once you get into the item menu and click back to get out the screen start blink

- 0000123: [Bugs] v1.8 Memory Leak with embellishments

- 0000213: [Bugs] Crash / unhandled exception while changing size of existing embellishment

- 0000212: [Bugs] Color picker doesn't show nubs when in the first-time character builder

- 0000211: [Bugs] Torso disappears when you put pants on a neuter character

- 0000210: [Bugs] Belly jitters while character is restrained

- 0000209: [Bugs] When you apply a full-body tex and give it a body-only mask, the mask isn't applied at all to the head portion of the tex

- 0000208: [Bugs] Camera can clip through ceilings

- 0000207: [Bugs] Massive lag spike in inventory screen when you hover over new cell

- 0000206: [Bugs] Preference clipboard missing tooltip for "unusual" style preference

- 0000110: [Bugs] Game locks up while editing hair appendages

- 0000101: [Bugs] Characters float above the ground

- 0000125: [Bugs] Adding hair styles with "Tuft" causes glitch

- 0000117: [Bugs] Game consumes an ever increasing amount of memory

- 0000155: [Bugs] Crashed when changing face shape, now when attempting to open game it is stuck on a loading screen

- 0000154: [Bugs] Save data will not stop corrupting

- 0000160: [Bugs] Reflections are broken in 0.1.9

- 0000164: [Bugs] Memory leak when creating new characters

- 0000163: [Bugs] Game Crash During Character Creation (Rack 0.1.10)

- 0000167: [Bugs] Breast interaction.

- 0000170: [Bugs] Character Textures and Shaders not Loading

- 0000171: [Bugs] Game crashes while loading textures when selecting character for the game

- 0000153: [Bugs] Game gets stuck loading when I try to use 2 different hair styles.

- 0000175: [Bugs] Unable to change colors of embellishments in v0.1.10

- 0000176: [Bugs] Blank characters on linux

- 0000178: [Bugs] Game Crashes on Launch

- 0000179: [Bugs] Game Crash

- 0000180: [Bugs] 64-bit works but runs extremely slow, and soon crashes the system because it consumes all memory, 32-bit doesn't work

- 0000188: [Bugs] What is 'libOni' and why is this FILLING my Player.log file rapidly?

- 0000186: [Bugs] Camera frozen to the subject recruitment station after selecting subject. Returning to showers fails (view and culling active)

- 0000190: [Bugs] Major Memory Leak issue

- 0000195: [Bugs] First launch infinite loading

- 0000196: [Bugs] Absurd memory leak, crashes OS

- 0000192: [Bugs] Game crash on launch

- 0000199: [Bugs] Black screen after saving changes to a new character

- 0000166: [Bugs] Brief hangs cause pain to test subjects

- 0000203: [Bugs] Game crashes at start

- 0000177: [Bugs] negative speciment

- 0000173: [Bugs] Specimen Processor Glitched v.0.1.9

- 0000158: [Bugs] 1.9 version unporcessed specimen machine bugged

- 0000152: [Bugs] Specimen Capacity Overflow

- 0000204: [Bugs] Massive framerate drop when male player character orgasms

- Please continue to report bugs at: http://furry.science/reportabug

Download Links:

WARNING: The links below contain ADULT CONTENT, and should not be accessed by minors or anyone who cannot legally view said content.

MAC/LINUX USERS: I have absolutely no idea if these builds work. I plan on getting my hands on proper testing rigs at some point, but for the time being, I'm just shooting out blind builds. Please let me know if you are able to get the game running.

WINDOWS 64-bit: https://mega.nz/#!UcJl3RiT!Gs8PV9HdUt9TmBTXMriE6kegmi-YKu7JTh3J2Lmcxuk

WINDOWS 32-bit: https://mega.nz/#!FdJyzSIa!WidEg4RJ7X8rf4q1Th4dHiLQNMwup0_TGoOKsXOjl8w

MAC: https://mega.nz/#!IZwUGbYA!MPm_nRK0RiNWv3weHio0M04kxe34cnXqWp1WjItMbwA

LINUX: https://mega.nz/#!VdZHxboL!use8UkNTpCwTHa1EQY4aJnaaJ58pfWGwTH3NdB6Ld0Y



keep up the gd work fek :D


Good work. And i will keep you updated on my Linux side of things (like how does it work and stuff) :D :3

Wing Dancer

Yay, update x3 Thanks for making a shitty day more bearable :D


Thanks for thinking of the supporters! Good luck with the mechanical side!


question fek can you add a configuration for like xbox controllers cause i love the game but i really want to play it on my xbox controller or ps3


Controller support comes near the end of development, somewhere in phase 4! Can't make any promises for any specific controllers, but if I end up doing controller support, most of the common USB controllers should be supported


For some reason there are no character textures in the game now, they look like plastic, and the "ghost" model is pink and non transparent. Everything else seems to be working fine.


the textures arent loading at all.am i the only one? does anyone else have this issue


Downloaded both Win64 and Win32 versions but still freezes at the "Building: NPC - CLIENTMANAGER" screen after starting a new game.


Can i ask for a fetish and if i can what fetishs can i not ask for besides violent ones and vore


The Linux build seems unusable. It prints a warning at startup that "The game tried to load a file, but it was missing". If I dismiss that, the menu works, but trying to load a game or create a new game hangs at "Loading: your character / Loading assets" with 100% CPU usage and no animation on the loading spinner thingy. 0.1.11 works okay.


Same thing as the previous commentators about the plastic-looking textures. It seems to be present on all characters as well. (Windows 7, here)


Same texture issue here. Specs: OS: Win 10 Pro 64 bit CPU: AMD FX-8350 @ 5.0 GHz GPU: AMD RX 480 4GB RAM: Corsair Dominator Platinum 4x8GB, DDR3

Erin Kyan

Texture issue here too. Windows 8.1 64bit.

Erin Kyan

Tried making a new character to see if that was a thing, and no assets spawn when I try. Camera's revolving around an empty shower, lol.


Same texture issue here - loading from an old save, and wiping out saves and going fresh - no textures on the character. (win 10 x64)


<a href="http://furry.science/ideas/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://furry.science/ideas/</a>


If you pleasure yourself in the shower, sometimes you'll get stuck in that pose and need to restart the game to get out of it


I had to totally start fresh and delete the original folder...but I got the textures working eventually!


The shark tail's default twist makes it curve between the legs.


Also, if you quit out of the game because your textures don't load properly, and try to go back in, your character won't load properly, just a "ghost" of the hair...Win 10x64


I am Chinese,my English is so so 。I want to know how can I get a love toy。


no texture loading on creator windows 10 pro


Had the texture issue (Win10 64bit), running in Win 7 compatibility mode with run as admin checked seems to have resolved it. Real weird. Doesn't fix transparency though so there's a bunch of alpha masked stuff everywhere :/


But I dont know how to research them ,do you have a lesson to teach me?


Hello. For some reason I'm no able to use the bug report bord so im saying i here: I've run into 2 big problem with the new version: The firs is, that frame ra dropped down 10 or even less fps , wich is very interesting as even DOOM 2016 runs FULL HD on high graphical settings on my comp with a stable 31-32 fps. The second problem is, that the camera goes all hay-wire wanky for some reasons, even to the poin of almost being unable to play. This problem occours only when walking around, if I'm interacting a test subject hen is okay. If I sart a new game, the frame rat and the camera control is somewhat better, but barely.

warren dunstan

i have the texture problem too as well as the program is using large amounts of memory


Can't open at all...it just freezes everytime.


Toss in my 2 cents to the "Character Textures completely missing" pool. CPU : i5-4430 3GHz RAM : 32GB GPU : GTX 980ti, 6GB OS : Win-10 64bit


(on mac) i get an error that says the game tried to load a file but it was missing and that it may cause the game to crash. then when i get to the loading screen it just stays frozen. nothing. can't play. :(


The camera contols aren't working as they use to the camera keeps going everywhere except for where I want it how can I fix this?




Do you think you could give the download zips more descriptive names? I have like 6 WIN64.zip files and it gets a little hard to keep track of.




This "Mega" download site absolutely sucks. I have a 170+ mpbs download speed, and it's telling me it'll take 6+ hours to download an 800MB file? You really need to find a new site for distribution.


Mega is giving me a hard time as well. It would be great if you could provides us with an alternative. Cause I can't wait to get my hands on the new version.


Not sure what's wrong with y'all's stuff, but I've got a 100 mbps down connection and I'm downloading at 6 MB/s. Took about 2 minutes to download altogether. Maybe it's just mega being weird at y'all's point of the world?


Out of curiosity, how much farther into development do you expect to implement the option of being a test subject yourself? (The option at the front desk)


Another one here with the "No Texture" bug, but it's more than that. If using save slot one, all the NPC's are fine, but the PC's "Base Color" texture seems to be on top of all other textures no matter what, leading the whole character to be a solid color. On any save slot other than the first, both NPC's and the PC fail to load any textures at all, making them all appear bright pink and slightly transparent. I've tried everything I can think of to try and solve the issue but I've made zero headway.


ok, so i like the fact that you uploaded something, but it crashes every time i try to play. alwase seems to crash around the hrmanager load.


No textures. Windows 10 Pro 64bit.


After looking on the Bug forums I found a solution that got the game to work: Go to C:\Users\*user*\AppData\LocalLow\ and delete the Fek folder. After I deleted that folder and re-ran the game I actually got the acknowledgement boxes and the game ran perfectly.


No textures, characters don't seem to have eyes either. Windows 10 64-bit


Use the Mega downloader, it speeds it up a lot faster.


Please be aware that also deletes any and all files of your save game. Doesn't seem to fix my texture.


Also having the no texture bug on the player and NPCs - Win 10 64-Bit


No texture/a single color for the entirety of each character here, too.


Also having the texture bug but on Win 7 64-bit


Win10 64 bit, also lacking textures.

Wild Doggo Jackie

I'm having major loading/hang up issues on Win10-64bit, when i attempt to load saves my Hard Disk activity light goes on constantly with no flicker and the game slows to a crawl. The only way the game is playable for me is to completely clear all of the AppData.


Hey Fek, on a mac here. (10.12) and the game gets stuck on a black screen. If I move the mouse, I can hear the button rollover noises, so I guess something is loading? Thanks for all the awesome work!


There is a console at the bottom of the elevator. Interact with it. Move to what you want to research. You need resources to research. Get resources by interacting with test subjects. With resources, you can research. Hit the buttons, they will show numbers. Number indicates how far away goal is.


Texture issue only seems to happen when you're in the locked view state during dealing with clients on the rack. Switching to free view seems to resolve it.


I'm having the no texture/no eye glitch as well. Backing into the main menu and into the game again made everyone invisible except their clothes/accessories.


Linux version does not work. Complains of a missing translation, and missing "an important file." Screen does not recognize my mouse clicks and I cannot clear the warnings to even attempt to proceed. FYI


Try running it windowed mode; your clicks will register correctly. However that still leaves us with this bug: <a href="http://furry.science/bugs/view.php?id=216" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://furry.science/bugs/view.php?id=216</a>


Launched the new version, it takes forever to load into the game, when it does load I go into the character creation and the character creator has the base character with boobs that are off center, managed to fix that by messing with the slider, the coloring is based solely off the base color for some reason, tried to change up all the colors but only the base color was shown, and when i finally got into the playing part, my character wouldn't move! even tried rebinding the keys to no avail. I was using the windows 64-bit if that matters.


the ghost mode is PINK lol


i do have to wonder, why do they request dildo play before we have them? it seems to interfere with the money making. Just wondering :3


Win10 64 bit, game takes forever to load, and when it does it uses up to 2,5Gb of RAM and uses around 55% of my CPU (i5-6600K @3,5Ghz)


On windows 10 64bit. Made new character, first time dialogue with receptionist seems to be broken as she just stares at me awkwardly


Same problem, uses nearly 4GB of ram and hovers between 25-50% CPU usage on an i7-4790


Loving the game so far though, keep on doing great things!

Wild Doggo Jackie

Update on the issues i was having, apparently selecting Fantastic quality in the loader instead of Fastest completely fixes the problem??? Really odd that it runs better on the highest resolution. Lol!


this build appears to freeze upon loading or creating a new character on a mac. ;-;


win10 64bit take all my Ram (i have 32 GB)


I know it's hard, because the thing you need to read is right above the giant DOWNLOAD LINKS header instead of near that section of blue links that many just skip to... but please read <a href="http://furry.science/bugreportinstructions.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://furry.science/bugreportinstructions.html</a> If you had followed those directions you'd see that you've confirmed <a href="http://furry.science/bugs/view.php?id=216" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://furry.science/bugs/view.php?id=216</a> also happens on OS-X. More details and a player log may be useful in such situations.


Can't wait to see fluid expansion added to the game XD


Edit: The 32 bit version just outright crashes. Curiously there are things that say "C:" in the log file when the game is not on the C drive, unless that's just some message about the files used to compile things. i7 4790k and GTX 970 here, 16GB RAM 4GB VRAM. Windows 10 64 bit. People have posted with the problem with totally different equipment too though. Opps it seems enter automatically submits the comment. In any case I'm getting the no texture thing as well, but I don't think it's just textures. As someone else said the tails seem completely curled under too, and I have a hunch there are likely other things I didn't notice in the time I messed with it.


Yup, no textures or eyes for me either.


Is there any way to increase the duration that cum stays around for until it dissapears? I want to be able to cover the floor in my cum. (Not literally, I just want it to stick around longer.)


rack 2 predictions. (Just guesses, not actual things) ^_^;; 1. rack chair will be adjustable to more positions. 2. chemicals will include hypnosis, paralysis, over sensitivity, faster cool down from clomax, and transformation in multiple forms. 3.conversations will yield more immersion and feel more real. 4. multiplayer will be made possible in six months minimal and three years max. 5. test subjects will remember you and carry a relationship meter. 6. reputation will effect clients and what they will pay for a job well done.


So, I've got a few questions on how the game works/is supposed to work, and I was wondering if there is some sort of information base I could look up, to see what I'm missing/not thinking of? All I'm finding is the FAQ, and I guess I'm more looking for some general functionality assistance. I imagine there's got to be some chatroom somewhere where people help eachother out with this simply phenomenal game!


I can try and inform you of what you wish to know based on whats out right now


I discovered that if you set all your preferences to max green, then begin pleasuring yourself with a client, interact with them, then leave the room without your character having orgasmed, you can walk around and go wherever you like, after a while your character will build up and orgasm wherever they are. Surely a product of max "denial" or "ruined orgasm" or the like.


only 32bit nutzen ;) memroy Leaks ever in older and this version


On a Mac here. I had an issue opening it the first few times. It finally opened and I'm not sure what I did differently. It's kind of slow even on the fastest setting, but not unplayably so. I am running into a problem though when I click to start a new game because I'm just eternally on the loading screen. Left it for awhile and no dice.