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Get your hands on the 0.8 BETA here: http://fek.onl/patreonlink.html?url=http://fek.onl/backers/rack080beta/rack_080_beta.zip You'll need this login info to download it: USERNAME: rackbacker PASSWORD: spacejizz080 (Or you can just download the attached file!) I'd appreciate it if y'all didn't share this publicly until we've had time to test it thoroughly and get it polished a little bit. If you run into bugs, please let me know either here, by email (fek@fek.onl), or on FA / Skype! Happy testing. ;D




it says im playing a version that was uploaded without permission?


I've noticed, when trying to use the portal 'transmit' side and the sex machine on the same subject, that the upper 'grid' part of the portal transmitter blocks the control slider on the sex machine.


The Rack Subjects below still do not work for me in this version. (Both if I put in the link or did download them). The Subject-Portrait says "error" and disappears when you click it. Am I doing it wrong or are the Subjects not working?


For me, when using the aphrodisiac pills and removing the subject it causes the little hearts to freeze on-screen until reopening the game. When opening the blue questions marks under the toys, the magic wand is in front of the info box. Also when using the portal to cum inside a subject the cumshot appears at the top of the subject's head.


@Michael: I'll take a look! It could be a security setting somewhere; I'll see if I can reproduce the problem. @Flo Joh: Great catches, thanks! Will get those cleaned up for launch.


I wonder if adding a second portal device might be good idea


The character named Boost seems to have an issue where the hairy part of his weiner can be seen clipping through the portal device. I am also wondering if adding a second portal device might be fun.


It seems Vidwulf has the same issue where part of his weiner clips through the portal


not sure if this is supposed to happen but when i switch to fullscreen i am able to see the entire background and an fps counter.


nvm fps counter is always there its just the background that changes

Wu Wei Wolf

I had the same issue with custom characters. Online still doesn't work, but loading from a locally saved files works if I have the rack SWF in the same directory as the character SWF.