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Hard to bring myself to share semmingly nothing, but I should communicate anyway. We are still working everyday to bring the Unity build up to our current Flash build progress. It might take another two weeks to finish it, then another 2~3 weeks to test and fix everything little things. Despite me and Duke both got sick for a period of time, but mostly we just underestimated the amount of work it would take to recreate a seemingly simple 2D game.

I don't know if I should feel proud or ashame...

The only good news at the present is that all six of our thrive scenes have been completed, in terms of graphics and animation. Next, it is to finalize the script and ask Milky for voice acting, as I am glad announce she has agreed to help us^^

Oh yea, the Unity debacle almost altered our path. I waited for a week before making some form of decision. For now, we will stay the course. Thanks to all the brave game devs to stood up against the absurdity!


I was attempting to assign the dialogue design out, but it was not a success. I will set it as my priority. 


Reality Check

Seemingly nothing? Considering whre Unity is at I'd say this is pretty big news. Whatever happens I'm rooting for you and the team. I really want to see this game succeed. Best of luck everybody!


man i was super excited when i heard it was almost done, and then the unity thing happened and it was like, it felt like you guys were cursed, i mean you had to switch from flash cuz it died, then unity dies right as you almost finish porting to it


Yea, I could not believe it... But that's the risk of using any proprietory engine. Let's hope nothing crazy happen for another few years...


I'll look forward to it anyway, okay. ^-^