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Progress update

The project has grown into certain complexity, and to be honest I am a bit lost from time to time. Without proper creative industry experience, I feel like I am realizing things slower on my own. I doubt all the players want are more and more animation for each species. Recently I feel like I have some better breakthrough, by mhmmm, shopping for a wireless earbuds ^O^. If anyone has ever shopped for earbuds, you would know there are like thousands upon thousands of options, all of which are hard to learn what's good or bad. This website has really helped me to solve a puzzle what I haven't been able to crack for years. I am not affliating with it by anyway, but I just admire those who create value for people with their pure dedication.

Making a game is just like creating a product people want. I went back to the drawing board, and drafted an User Perspective Rating for a good adultish game(attached pic). I have known the inputs through your kind feedbacks throughout the years, but the key is that I get to rank them. It gave me a sense of direction on what I should really be doing next, based on the impactness and importantness among the hundred of tasks on my list. It is like you can't grow the leaves and branches before figuring out the main branch. 

Ending/achievement scenes

Cum scene has always been lacking a bit for our game. The ending/achievement scenes will give us just that. I am leaning toward calling it the achievement system instead of ending system, as I feel too many have voiced in that they don't want to part with their tentacle allies. And without a reset, there aren't really any solutions. Feel free to offer suggestions below. The current progress of the design is that we will have more pictures to accompany the achievement story in a bit of cinematic way. Then an animation for the coitus part, and an animation for cumming. I am hopping to show you the first achievement scene in two to three months.


I would like to know if we have enough community support to facilitate some proof-read/post-editing system for the below languages. Visit this poll if you have interest in reading the stories in your language!

  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Russian


Recently I have learned using mind map to do documenting and to communicate with my team (attached pic). I am using Miro, for those who want to check it out. Currently I am trying to understand what background music I want. Also attaching the first shot of the trailer.


As mentioned before, v5.02 will mainly be a content update. 

  • 8 new mating scenes(Octosealx2, Inkerx2, Killer Cornx2 and Flesh Hangerx2)
  • 1 new species (Flesh Hanger)
  • 2 new Bonding Stories (Octoseal, Flesh Hanger)

The progress is currently in the voice over process. I would say it should be ready within 9~12days.




Question? Are you guys guna make an android version or no? Cause I remmber you brought the topic up a few posts back but I was late to the conversation


It is still undecided, because I still haven't explored Adobe Air fully. Short answer: I want to, but it will depend on the difficulty as I don't want to take bigger bite than I can chew. My priority at the moment: marketing > design of the remaining game > translations > more versions like an apk for Android.


Question? I’m unable to open the save file I downloaded from others even though I replaced the old save file in macromedia. Is there like a tutorial on how to load the game with a save file that I want to?


Great! We are waiting for the animation of the birth of monsters! That would be the most wonderful thing!


One thing I found playing this game a while ago was a lack of purpose and direction. Expansion further afield was possible, but why? I didn’t feel a need to, either from a story or gameplay purpose. Most games provide a goal, “Uncover this mystery”, or a hook, “There is something shiny over there”, of some sort even if it’s a little vague. The gameplay then feeds into attaining this target, even if the player eventually wonders off track, that initial guidance gives players a reason to explore and learn the game. I am the type that will skip several months of updates as I like to comeback to drastically improved game, so I what I said above may have been addressed already, and if it is then maybe it’s time then to dive back in, but when I last played that was something I really noticed.

Leroy Fontaine

As of last update at least, there’s unique species you can only acquire after expanding. The tutorial and instructions to *reach* expansion are a bit vague, but the way things are set out, I think the end goal is to have a unique “leader” enemy at the end of the 3 expansion directions. Not sure if they actually exist or not yet, pretty bad at the conquering mini game so far and I can’t figure out how to keep my save games. @Nonoplayer - the main feedback I have is a bit of confusion with the mechanic unlocking process. Don’t remember what it’s called offhand but one of the things you have to do in order to unlock conquering is to get one of your monsters injured to unlock nursing. My issue is that if you’re paying attention to the “?” bubbles, there’s almost no chance of getting an injury - Butanga is good for hunting and Dubois/Moth are both very easy to get early on and will almost never get injured scouting. My first playthrough I was ~100 turns in with well over 30 monsters and desperately wanting to launch an attack to cull some of them, but after 20 turns of using my worst hunters and scouts I still hadn’t gotten an injury because RNG be like that sometimes. It would help if there was a scripted event where we could choose a monster to be injured so that task wasn’t so annoying to complete, or there was a very very high risk activity to use a monster on. If I recall correctly co-operativeness is hard to breed for early on so having a high risk activity that relies entirely on cooperativeness might work.


I really enjoy the mating and bonding scenes. There is a lot in this game. I think birthing animations would be awesome. But I think it’s more do you want this to be both story, game and lewd or or stop working on one or get the story to a certain point then just just work on the lewd aspects. I think you do beautiful work.

Johnson Wagson

I always thought the ending was to get back into the castle? Or to run your own kingdom and then take over the castle. The game starts with you being evicted from the kingdom, maybe the ending is helping the kingdom by taming different tentacles. Kinda like "how to tame your dragon" movie.


Will the combat system be more intuitive and simpler? Searching for things and monsters in different locations, is it possible to designate so as not to waste a lot of time searching? Why are monster animations too fast? As for the preservation of monsters, it may be worth making a limit for each type (from 5 to 10), depending on how large the territory is captured or other factors. Many thanks for the Russian language!


Yes, nevertheless, feedback is always very useful to understand what players are missing ... so it's great that you try to take into account all their wishes


I read it and give an opinion. 1. It is quite normal that you are a little lost from such a large scale of the game. You actually make it yourself, while such a game will quite make the development team sweat. 2. The game has simply grown from quantity to quality, which is why 18+ players want to see something more large-scale and complex from a regular game. This is due to the fact that the game gives a lot of high-quality sex scenes at once, and you quickly get saturated with them, and you want to already Play and pass the game, and not just look at the adventures of Lilith ;) 3. I didn't quite understand what "achievement scenes"mean. I would like to look at this in more detail or clearly, because it looks very interesting in the description. 4. Thank you very much for the translation plans to other languages! 5. We are waiting for an update!

Emily Bostic

I got the impression that the ending conditions were already determined in the chart in the diary, with timelines of 365 and 730 turns played. It would be nice to see some progress towards making those attainable. I'd personally like to see some "upgrades" and options for interacting with the other kingdoms. Diplomacy would be interesting, but is a bit of "feature creep". Infiltration falls into the same category, but could give us some more interesting tentacle species, like a symbiote that Lilith could wear. Alternatively, interactions could build on the crafting system, with Lilith creating tentacle pheromone "perfumes" to influence tentacles, monsters, or humans.


Personally I'm not too worried about a "cum" scene. A few might be nice, but it isn't a deal breaker for me. I just want good art quality and animations, which you provide consistently. I think the idea of using a pseudo-ending (unlimited playability) with achievements along with the diagram viewable within the diary in-game are a great idea. I'd like to see combat fleshed out. Either make it very simply and quick and easy to utilize and then focus energy on other parts oft game (crafting, dialogue, art, etc), or make the combat a focal point for the game and leave the details only as filler to the (hopefully enjoyable) combat. Either way is fine, HOWEVER PERSONALLY I think the best route is to make combat more simple. Use a sort of Risk (the board game) style of round-based combat or something very robust and simple. As it stands the current combat system is pretty bad (in my opinion; I am not a professional game designer). It's not intuitive, it's clunky, and it isn't enjoyable. I'd say design simple units with dice-roll mechanics or something. 3 unit styles; a tank, a dps, and utility (healer or 2nd dps or something). Get rid of the timer and use turn based dice-roll or something like that. If the combat is simple to play and simple to design, it will free you up to design parts of the game I feel like are more quintessential to the game's style as it is now. Thank you for listening, I love your work and I wish you luck in the future.


I wanted to come back and add that it's not as if the current battle system is necessarily "bad" (it's underdeveloped), but that I think the system needs more care in any capacity because it is underdeveloped and it's a large portion of the game currently. The gameplay loop should feel satisfying and the large part of gameplay currently is the combat system. It should be polished or replaced.


I hear you. Thank you for all the inputs, and I agree to most of the points. I do love everyone feedback, that's why the gameplay has been re-worked for multiple times. First there was a puzzle, then there were 5 lanes, then 2 lanes etc. I do am planning to re-tweak it again to make it more direct and intuitive. And more bit-size to digest for sure. It is a bit more complex in a sense that the tweaking needs to make sense across multiple matrices like our resources, time, and return (in terms of fun for most players and understanding of content reaction). I am for it myself but just want to take more time on consideration or planning.