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Discord roles rewards have been assigned. Let me know if there is a mistake, as the process is highly manual and prone to human mistake. I wanted to assign this reward bi-monthly...but I forgot. My sincere apology! 

And sorry for not posting anything, as it just feels like making more excuses for the delay. But still, you guys deserve better, supporting us and even offering kind words through Discord all these time. So I need to keep trying to do better. 

On one hand I am glad tax session is over and I can refocus on the game. On another I got sick again for no reason, with asthma episode following for certain. It is not meant to be an excuse, but I need to share these events with you. Below are the unrefined tasks that are left to do, minus unforsee bugs and scenarios until I get there.

-Offer prompt after Rest when daysleft is 0 

manual def

if less than 6 army

self def

show papapa animation  - done

camera to hex  - done

disable buttons - done

blink hex - done


manual def

remove battle

self def

calculate win rate  - done

adjust terrtitory status, show result, assign close button:

if win, show defense monsters gain rp and congrat message

if lose, Tstatus update, show returned/missing monsters from defense team, trained

how to test losing cut off(no longer connected) territories - still have no clue

update enemyAI next targeting territory, days left

close app  - remove stuff and return to house

-wt to do about intel on lost territories

-remove food cost when secret garden overpopulated

-implement new species

-implement new contents 


I am projecting two weeks minimum, but unlike the tasks I have done before, this time I can't say I am certain about it. Hopefully I have 3 years of track record to at least demonstrate my spirit.

Animation and graphics are continued to be worked on by the team and I will share them when they are ready.



Hope you're feeling better, Nono! Cheers on sticking with it!


Have a good rest.


Thank you for the information and hope you won't get sick! As I said before-we're not asking you to hurry - we just want to know that you're okay.


yee yee, agreed with everyones comment up top, thanks for the update


You missed my role in the server


Just sending some positive vibes. Take good care of yourself, personal health must come before everything else.