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Public v4.01 is quite an update, as it also includes contents in v4.00b.

Downloadable versions 


Public v4.01:

  • 4 New species (Stone Coral, Hanging Fruit, Hopping Claw and Krokilia) and 2 new animation (Skitz and Scorpse) 
  • 8 New habitat backgrounds for mating scene!
  • New environmental noises for all mating scenes!
  • Some items are ready to be used
  • UI improvement

 Major bug fix:

  • Bonding screen sometimes freezes after battle

Be aware that only save from v4 and up is compatible with newer versions. As usual, to reuse your save, you must rename your newly downloaded file same as the one you saved your game, as well as putting it into the same directory of your previous file.    

Progress update 

Patreon v4.02:

  • New bonding events for 2 species (Moth and Hopping Claw)
  • 4 new mating scenes (Oturo, Cirrus and 2xScrapper)
  • 5 5th scene graphics (Gritario, Butanga, Nodder, Bopbo and Scorpse)

Tamass is an incredibly writer/cat who have recently wandered into our possession! He can craft some amazing bonding stories, as you will see from our newest entry; he is also fueled by alcohol and catnip^^ I am looking forward to fuse more of his work into our world! 




someone have a map for all monster ?


It still shows v4.0 on the nonoplayer itch.io.

Jason H W

Fairly new here...what exactly do you mean by "5th scene graphics"?

Jason H W

Also well done so far and very promising game. The amount of creatures, skills, and scenes is awesome so far for early development. Even if they're simply scenes....planning on paying and subscribing more when .02 is out early


I don't, but I have been planning to make something like that in game(Intelligence).


Yea I sometimes skip the itch web version because each time I update people can't reuse the save easily. Though the downloadable versions are 4.01.


The 5th scene graphic is a graphic for when the player finished all 5 bonding stories with a monster.


Hi, I am new here. Have a question - what does Rp means and what it affects? The same question about BEvt - this can be seen in the army window. ps. your game rocks! Can't wait for the update.


And one more - is it possible to bound with other tentacles, not just those who can be found in garden location?


Question: How can I have my save from 4.00 carry over to 4.01? Or is it not compatible? I've always had issues with saving where I had to click "save game" multiple times for it to register the save. Also, the .swf file doesn't really do anything for me. I download both .exe and the .swf but only the .exe does anything. I'm fairly new to that kinda stuff so I udnerstand what .exe but I definitely dont get the point of the .swf file. Outside of those issues, great game!


You have to download 4.01 exe file and put it right where your 4.00 is located. And then rename 4.01 to te EXACT name your 4.00 have (ofc you will have to change the name of 4.00 first, or to remove the file because Windows won't let you have 2 files with identical names in the same folder).


Thank you for letting me know. Yes you can reuse any v4 and up saves. Both swf and exe are the same. Clicking and registering the save should be instant so it does sound weird. I might more clues, like starting with what OS are we running on?


Question: how do you unlock the Queen’s nest in 4.01? I read somewhere that it was supposed to be unlocked after maxing out the bond of the Slime Eye but I got nothin from doing that except the final picture. I’m on like day 67 or so without access.

Ahn Arsa

Is there any guide somewhere? I don't know how to proceed the story (if any) since maxing out bonding with both Slime Eye and Butanga don't do anything. Feels like I'm missing a lot.

Ahn Arsa

Never mind. I just learned that you have to unlock "World Map" from the skill tree. I feel stupid now.