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My apology, I am still working to wrap up for the new update, as well as fixing up some bugs. The new updates(both public and Patreon) will be available at the end of next week. An important note for upcoming Patreon v4.0: it is strongly recommended to start a new game, as I have reconstructed monsters' data for a future feature(Secret Memory) integration. 

Patreon v4.0

  • 5~6 new Mating Scenes
  • New bonding events for 3 species
  • New Moods Cycle system
  • Simplified Instinct
  • New prediction UI
  • Reworked Relationship Points
  • Improved Intelligence feature


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Heh! Our favorite category ;) The author should not worry about the "little delay", as we always tell you "Better slow but good than fast and bad!"so it's not a problem to wait. And Yes, I think many start the game again every time. And a quick question on "Simplified Instinct." What exactly did you simplify? Like in the latest version there is nothing complicated. It's pretty clear.


Thanks Kontra~ I want to reduce the core features to unlock, as well as rearranging Bonding to the very first feature.


I always start a new game!!


yeah, can't wait!