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New updates have arrived! 

Public v3.08

  • Added Endings' requirement placeholders
  • 4 new Mating scenes
  • 3 new Tentacle species (Giant Sepiida, Amoeboid, Blood Star)
  • 3 new Bonding events (Nodder, Inker, Oturo)
  • UI improvement

Downloadable versions 


As usual, to reuse your save, you must rename your newly downloaded file same as the one you saved your game, as well as putting it into the same directory of your previous file.  

Progress update 

Patreon v3.09

  • 4 New Mating Scenes (Blood Star, Silent Cone, Walking Leaves, Nodder 2nd scene)
  • 3 New Species 
  • 6 Post-scene graphics (Inker, Weta, Wolfong, Beringarius, Maratus, Oturo)
  • Bonding events for 3 species (Weta, Slime Eye, Bopbo)
  • 3 new battle animation
  • Added feature Release
  • Rename old Blood Star to Rotten Root
  • UI improvement

Major bug fixes

  • Fixed where species with newly updated bonding events freezes screen when bonding

It's been a long hectic month. I appreciate all the team members, as well as supporters and players who have contributed ideas and bug reports to us. The game is moving toward a better direction because of all of you. 

Any new features are long overdue, so next month I will prioritizing on improving Training, Intelligence, and then creating moods system, perhaps day/night system, something fun for outside of the battle.

We also have a new talent joining us in the writing department, I would like to officially introduce him next month.





Oturo bonding event bugged


and the bug i meant is when the first dialog comes out and it stucked there i cant press anything .Ignore this if this is the bug you talking about


Thanks, any information is helpful. Yes, it is the major bug I am paying close attention at. I suspect the fix only partially fix it, I will have to monitor reports from Patreon version.


Wow! Looking forward to next month;)


what is the fourth new mating scene in the 3.08 version. There are the scenes from 3 new species but what is the fourth?


Has the ability to "dismiss" tentacles been added? My army keeps getting overrun by just four tentacles (Wolfong, Maratus, Dubois, and scorpse). I have over 20 of each of those 4 in less than 90 rounds. Would be nice to be able to send the excess ones away in some way or form.


commented about the queens nest on newgrounds and you pointed out a bug,i did have a slimes eye but i seem to not have one anymore,unless they can die i think it vanished


it actually seems like every few turns a monster vanishes


Yes they can get injury, and if you don't have nursing you won't be able to see them. Perhaps I should make nursing a mandatory skill.