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In preparation for the first Oviparous species(eggs laying), here is the Myrimidon's lore.


The desert. A cave of sand, the Myrmidons castle. Carefully fashioned, grain by grain, a wonder to behold. Here the creature brings its victims. Or those it wishes to court. Treasures beyond compare it keeps, hoarded from across the land. To its chosen mate, it will offer these as gifts, in the hope of reciprocative copulation. But beware the inner lion. If kindness fails, then you may find it very difficult to climb free of the Myrmidons lair. Sand, after all, is a fickle medium. Predator or prey, they quickly tired in the heat. Sliding backwards, into the arms of an ardent lover. 




nice one!


Nono I found all tentacles except this one... where is it ? ><


Sorry this one is outside the reach on your map. We have to breed it for now.