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So here's a line up of Queenie's predecessors dating back to roughly 3300 BCE with God-Queen Danu. She ruled over the island of Ireland until the Milesians came. By the time of Queen Mab (Titania) in the 1200 BCE, the Fae had already left the mortal world and established their new home in the Otherworld. There may have been a queen between Aine and Mab named Una but its unclear if that was just one of their names or a separate queen all together. By the Middle Ages came the unseelie queen Nicnevin (Gyre-Carling), also known as the Queen of Witches. She was said to hate Christians and was an ally to persecuted non-Christians. The Protestant queen Gloriana (Tanaquill) ascended to the Faerie throne in 1603 after ruling over England for 45 years. She had been a changeling living in Bisley who was forced to take on the identity of her childhood friend Elizabeth Tudor after her untimely demise. Under Gloriana's rule, she expanded the queendom's borders and began to colonize other realms, all of which coalesced in the Otherworld Wars throughout the early 1900s. Gloriana ultimately perished at the end of the war around 1950 and there was a period where the crown was her successor were lost. It wouldn't be until the early 2020s that Queenie would emerge and begin to restore the queendom.



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