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All right, here we go—the first draft chapter of Eight 4 will release shortly. 

Expect chapters to be approximately 3,000 to 4,500 words long.

My plan is to publish on a once-a-week schedule like I've done in the past. Unlike before, however, the chapters will publish on Sundays.  My weeks have become so intense with work and other responsibilities lately that I'm finding I need the Saturdays to just crash. The rest day should help keep things sustainable.

To that end, I'm also thinking about not publishing Eight 4 to Royal Road, since that will be one less thing to think about. I haven't made a decision yet, but I'm seriously considering it.

Finally, before you start reading, you should know that the cost of the membership tiers will rise in 2024 by $2 USD each. I wanted to share that news early, so that people can make informed decisions about whether or not to start reading Eight 4.

All the chapters will continue to be available to all the tiers. The upper tiers just mean extra support.

Also, I do have a working title for the novel, but I'm reluctant to share it until I'm certain the plot is heading in the direction I expect it to. So far, I'm having a lot of fun writing it. I hope you enjoy it too.

That's enough chatter. Let's the get the story rolling...


Amber Gregory

Can't wait to read the first chapter. Busy work week but lunch break tomorrow looks good


Royal Road is good for finding new readers. I don't know how much effort it takes, though.


Hmm. I've thought about this more, and I'd like to make a more personal plea. I like Royal Road. It isn't evil, like Amazon. I'm follow three other stories there (not including yours, which I now follow on Patreon). Many of its readers, particularly its overseas ones, will not afford such luxuries as Patreon or eBooks. For them the story will end halfway through if you cease to post there.


I've been considering the issue more too. I think I *will* start to post there again, but not until the new year... maybe when I hit ten chapters here on Patreon.


Just came to say I came here from kindle and couldn’t even find you on Royal road