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Well, that's it. The first draft of Undaunted is done, and it's been such a wild ride.

Chapter one published on May 18, 2022, so it's been almost exactly a year in the writing. Thank you for your support throughout. It has meant and continues to mean the world to me.

The truth is that the past year has been tougher than usual, with all kinds of stuff going down, but I always knew I could come back to writing, to the regular cadence of chapters dropping weekly.

It was like having a second heart beating, even when my first was taking a beating.

Don't worry, my family and I are okay, and we're getting better every day, but I wanted to make sure you knew how much you being here has meant to me.

Anywho, you're probably wondering about what happens next.

First, I'll need time to get Undaunted in shape for publishing. That means three rounds of editing—developmental, line, and copy—as well as formatting the final manuscript for ebook format.

That's going to take several months, especially since Undaunted is my longest book yet at approximately 203,000 words. My guess is that it'll release in the fall, which is when I'll then be able to focus on writing my next novel.

That may or may not be Eight's book 4. At the moment, I can't decide.

I have a concept and working title, but there's also another book that for years has been pestering me to be written. I'll never get sick of Eight, but after all the time I've invested in writing and editing his story, I might need a break. We'll see.

I wish I could offer a firmer plan than that, but I won't know for sure until I'm there.

This Patreon page will likely go on hiatus while I'm editing, with charges turned off starting in June. I'll also try to be better than last time about coming up for air and providing updates, so stick around.

If you have feedback on Eight that you'd like me to keep in mind for the revision process, please share it in the comments. I'm eager to hear it.

Thank you again for your contributions, your comments and likes, and for being here. You are so appreciated.


Amber Gregory

Congratulations, thank you, and rest well

D J Meigs

Thank you! It’s been a delight reading a new chapter every week, even if I only discovered Eight and his adventures a few months ago. I’ll look forward to more news in the months to come 😊


Please do keep us updated. I'm curious to hear how you change your editing methods over time. For that matter, I'm curious about process in general.