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TL&DR: There are changes coming to patron tiers: Level 5 and 10 patrons will be able to read five chapters ahead starting this coming week.


The longer, more guilt-ridden version:

When writing Eight, I felt terrible about not being able to provide additional chapters to Level 5 and 10 patrons. It's a common practice for web serials, but work and life interfered every time I set aside the time to write ahead.

No more.

The truth is that I started Lions of Dawrtaine well before Eight was even a glimmer in my mind's eye. In fact, Lions is two-thirds written, and more importantly, the editing of the early chapters for publication is going faster than expected.

Level 5 and 10 patrons will finally be able to read farther ahead. Starting next week, I'll release additional chapters once a day until they can read five chapters ahead of Royal Road. (Level 1 and 2 patrons will continue to be able to read two chapters ahead.)

I'm glad to finally be able to provide this benefit. Thank you for your patience, dear readers. Your support is always appreciated.


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