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* Added Planescape monsters to the Encounter Maker (Morte's Planar Parade)

* Added Sigil to Wandering Monsters Generator

* Adjusted some Magic Item Prices based on new official rules

* Export to Grid Map in No DM Adventures will now include the PC tokens of your default campaign without needing to save first

* Added spellcasting to Downtime Events

* Character Sheet and Monster Statblock will return to your previous point on the page when you edit/save

* Grid Map:

** Added "Fit To Grid" button under Draw when selecting background images. This automatically resizes the map to properly fit the drawn grid to match the global grid.

** Added Resistances, Immunities, and Vulnerabilities to tokens. Attack macros will now take into account the damage type and these values to adjust the damage accordingly.

** Added height to walls. Tokens with an elevation above the wall can see over it.

** Wall height and token elevation are properly accounted for when determining cover, same with attack distance

** Initiative and Edit Wall windows now use the new window type.

** Fixed token cur hp to be properly imported from character sheet. Fixed a bug with line of sight when making new walls on a new map.

** Added R/F/V hotkeys to change layer.