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There's a build available!

* Added gardens to town

* Added windmill to town

* Added Sand Castle block

* Containers now transfer liquid. You can pick up and put down liquids like you would blocks by using a container. While the height of the liquid doesn't display currently, it's reduced by the size of the container. When it's raining liquid blocks will gradually refill themselves if they haven't been completely emptied. Since you can now empty out your water sources you'll need to manage your water more carefully.

* Villagers will now tend to their crops. Planting, watering, and harvesting them as needed.

* Added color picker to appearance customizer

* Hair, eyes, shirt, and pants now use color picker, allowing for a wider range of color options

* Improved the look of sun rays

* You'll now ragdoll if you fall for long enough

* Should now be quicker about getting up from ragdoll

* Added very basic reflections to windows

* Adjusted the health of various trees

* Added more secrets

* Adjusted combat timing and movements for hopefully better feel

* Made tier 1 enemies slower

* Can use action hotkeys to select dialog options in conversations

* Jump slashing now retains momentum

* Added Animal Feed to Ranch

* Increased hurt stagger

* When haggling: "left/right" controls price, "up/down" controls amount, "jump/dodge" cancels, and "interact" buys

* Tooltip no longer displays in middle of the screen when cursor is locked, it now displays at bottom

* Increased the rate of wild animals

Bug Fixes

* Fixed a case where ownership wouldn't save

* Fixed some errors in the prefab builder

* Fixed blank canvas mode

* Targeting circle will no longer stick around when you defeat an enemy

* Fixed issues with jump slash

* Fixed some issues with looting

* Moved boulders slightly more uphill

* Fixed a lighting issue with clothing

* Fixed some minor eye issues

* Fixed using sticks as weapons

* Fixed a number of collide errors with smelter

* Fixed table hitboxes

* Fixed animation issue with great swords

* You'll now properly follow a target while locked on if they're ragdolling

* Fixed some physics bugs with defeated enemies

* Made knockback from high damage a little less extreme


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