The Bleeding Ruins of Altheris (Public) (Patreon)
There's a place in the middle of the Altheris forest, where not even local adventurers dare to visit, a place built for love, but now cursed by hate. Many say that this small fort was built by a wizard named Hezerdan, shortly after he got married. It was rumored that he built it without any help in just 3 days, others assure that he was helped by a Genie.
What destroyed the building and the disappearance of Hezerdan is a mystery, as are the holes in the ground from which blood emanates from time to time. Some say it is the blood of the people who fall down the well lured by lights and voices that come from the bottom.
Very few people have emerged from the bottom of this well, and although they leave empty-handed, they assure that they saw riches and magical treasures under the ruins.
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