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I know this might be a easy choice for most, but I honestly cant decide. I really like both colours, but I feel like the personality changes depending on the hair colour. so, for those of you who want, you can help me choose the colour by voting here in the poll above! xD

Last but not least, I didnt manage to get a good enoiugh result for the short video teaser, so im holding it off for a while longer. im hoping to have it up tomorrow, or the day after. unfortunately Im occupied most of tomorrow though, but we'll see.




Red suits her more, but the brown fits with her armor :c


I agree with Alvarina on the Red hair part.


Red because it looks great on her and I'm a sucker for green and red o_o


I like the red one too =)


Definitely the red one) And what about that femgoblin with blue hair? I hope you won't change her cuz she is pretty good)


nope, her look is final atm. I will only fix her earrings a bit, making them a bit more high poly :)