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So, Ive been dreading to write this, due to my shit track reckord last year, and me finally thinking for the millionth time that id have more time, however I got a few stern talking to mid last month that I need to ''take things a bit more seriously'' regarding the irl stuff thats kept me very busy. Me working on my game is seen as wasting time/ not working, so I am beyond frustrated at this point.

i also got a shortened deadline, so now im back to zombie mode, and having no time for patreon or friends. Hearing this really just made me want to dissapear of off the internet, after all my other shit updates, so my anxiety made me delay this update way too long. (I was informed mid january)

I am going to be perma busy until june, so yeah, my patreon will essentially almost just work as a tip bucket up until may-june. It seems like the irl issues will haunt me until I have 110% finished them, so that is what has to happen at this point, or im going to start losing my hair again.... lol...

Im so fucking dissapointed with myself, as all i really REALLY want to do at this point is work on my game, but when most of my days have to be spent on the irl stuff, I just end up going to bed dead, and wake up dead. 



Do what you got to do.


Chin up. We all hate RL but it happens sometimes. Looking forward to your return


It's all totally good man, you focus on yourself. IRL always comes first. We don't mind waiting.


Do as you need, I'll still keep up the tiny critter tips until I win the lottery or something and can tier up.


Thank you for the update, wish it could be different and easier on you


we'll still be here. life is life.


hey im sorry to hear that but im new here. i just didnt know where to download the game.