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its been a busy month, but ive gotten a lot of things done on the game. ive replaced both characters skeletons a bit again, with some updates to take into account the updates i did to my rig the alst few months. After that ive replaced the walking, idle and sitting animations for both characters. Cleaned up unneccessary and old animations/files.

Ive started re-adding the animations i had. Im re-using them, but loading the new rigs on them, then exporting them into unreal again. I have also decided that I want the animations to be a bit longer, as most of them are 4 second loops, so i am planning on extending the blowjob animations and the doggystyle animations.

So for the upcomming beta, I am hoping to have re-added all sex animations, and extended/ finaliced a few of them. 

You guys will also get to experience walking around the room as the player, as mentioned earlier, as I will need to see if you guys like how it feels etc. So ill be adding in some non important items to the game / easter eggs that you guys can check out. No quests yet though.

Last but not least, I want to get slightly further on the wardrobe, so these are my goals for the next beta. 

So, with christmas coming right around the corner, and new years, I am crossing my fingers maybe ill be able to get a proper beta maybe around that time, but I think early to mid january is more likely. 

The game has been very shelfed these past 2 years, due to everything thats happend irl. Cancer, lots of family deaths, legal battle etc. Its fet really bad only being able to say ill have a beta out soonTM for the past 2 years, but yeah. With the legal battle im in being over either this month, or early january, at last I can finally say that my game will most likely be finished during 2023. Then keep making games after that ofc, that will be based on this games code, including smaller interactive scenes like the nzoth one i made with genn and sylvanas.
