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Collaboration with Nidawi     ’’Click here for story’’

Characters - Callista Pryce x Draisho Bloodscorn    

Day 2, enjoy : )

Animations -
1, 2 Undead - 1, 2 Human
1, 2 Undead - 1, 2 Human
1, 2 Undead - 1, 2 Human





you get 2 paw stamps of approval for this sir =D


so many of the links dont work, on this , newer ones, and older ones aswell. I didnt download them in time I guess? bit sad


if the links dont work, its due to the website hosting them. I will go through my website once I get time and replace links. If there is a specific animation youre looking for though, just tell me the name of it, and i will send you a link.