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The last angle of the tyrande animation is currently being rendered! it is a more frontal angle.

Also! I have gotten far on updating the animation systems i had in place for my ai and player character, so im getting closer to be able to show you all some previews! 

Ive been updating the look at system to a completely new method that gives me more control. This has allowed me to add in a little feature where yall can move the players head by holding down the middle mouse button and moving your mouse. Just a little extra feature, along with ofc the player looking in the direction of the players screen, and looking at items that are hovered, which i already had implemeted, although now it works better and can much easier be added upon in the future. The npc can ofc do the same! I am spending a lot of time trying to get the npc right, as I want dynamic looking ai for my future games too. It is a lot of work, but I think itll be worth it in the future. There luckily isnt too much left to do before ive finished his roaming system. Im going to start layer it a bit soon, so that he can get stuff, and use it on furniture, like forex getting a book from a shelf, then reading it on a couch or something. or getting a glass off a table, then drinking it. So yeah. its mostly smaller details left including animations for him. This is all ofc implemented to work with the quest system, so that he isnt just randomly walking around, or standing still and giving out quests. 

I really want to get a game test out before new years. crossing my fingers ill be able to! 

This will not be a huge game test, as its mostly just allowing you to test the basic features + walking around the map(which is quite small) it will allow you to smex with the ai though, although there are no new animations as of yet. This has been a shitty + busy year for me, so yeah. im pretty behind on my game :I 

Luckily I have made my game in a way that allows me to re-use the code to make new games with it, and just changing out the characters + looks, so once this game is finally finished, newer games will be much easier to make! and I already have one in mind that id love to make :D wich will include way more characters!


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