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heres the first image angle, and its pretty much done.


i was going to render yesterday, but somehow when i was going to render, the file just kept crashing, and i later found out that this error persisted through all my extra saves. 

i believe this is salvagable, but its going to take a while. i already spent 5 hours trying to fix it / looking through files. the animation scenes crashes almost imediately if i try to make any changes, or even just hiding a flower or a part of a character.

However, i have managed to successfully bake the animation keys onto the rigs, and im working on a secondary bake right now, that should allow me to save the animations  hopefully, so that I can re-apply it to a new clean rig in another scene. 

i was also able to extract the background and lighting + cameras from the scene yesterday, so im slowly getting the pieces together again D:



u.u why those kind of errors show up from nowhere x.x let's hope you can save it.