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I still need to texture/colour the outfit, but ive gotten it working at least! I commissioned a modeler to do the outfits for me, to spare some time lol. Atm the modeler is anonymous.

Most of the pieces can be split, so that the player can choose what to put on ofc. I mean, its not like she will specifically be wearing clothing in this game, but i figured id put in the outfit as an option in the wardrobe + lewder variants of it down the line.

As for other clothing, the male will be wearing his outdoor clothing, and she will have the option for lingerie, once I get that far.

Clothing/lingerie is 100% optional. Im also considering adding necklaces / accessories in the clothing mode, but yeah. I should probably not go too overboard xD




Any chance of getting VR working? Currently all I see is a black screen. It launches steam VR but nothing happens in the head set, the game just runs on the desktop.


Once ive gotten closer to launch ill try to add vr in the same way as genns visions of nzoth had it inplemented


sorry if you get this question alot, but i was wondering if this night elf female will be the only character in your game? or will other races like blood elf be available too?


Itll only be these 2 nelf ocs in this game, but im building the base game code with various races/ sexualities in mind once i start my next game which will be more diverse


i fucking love this YES QUEEN POP OFF


Ooo looking good!