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Ive made a few updates and finished what i started on a few months ago.

My website has been very neglected since my fathers passing. I still wont be able to finish updating all the missing links for video files, but I have at least made the website a bit easier to use / more streamlined to update.

There is now 1 archive/ gallery. The search system works pretty good, so if you search for a specific sexuality, only posts for that sexuality will show. So due to that i removed the different galleries for the various sexualities.

In the updated gallery, you now have infinite scrolling. If this becomes a problem for people with slow internets, ill make a second archive with arrows :) 

Ive also updated a majority of the broken image links that have been plaguing my site. (a specific folder with 100 images had been broken somehow, so ive had to manually update them <:D )

The posts pages have been cleaned a tiny bit, and all sexualities now share the same page as the straight page, and are now up to date. along with a few added updates.

Related posts now actually show content that is related to the post theyre on. The related posts now try to find posts with at least 3 similar tags to it. this also means you should no longer be reccomended posts with sexualities different fro mthe one youre viewing.

So a few of these changes are wip, but I doubt ill make any further updates to the websites core this month.


I forgot to mention that ive added a gallery for my games, and updated my old comics page so its easier to read. (the comic is still on a hiatus tho <:D)


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