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https://gyazo.com/a5bc8fa8a6f857f0c89ab3c255359d8a  - video preview

(ignore the obvious bugs on her mouth and his toes haha. i just need to re-import the animations.)

Quick preview that shows the free camera working again, together with the cinematic camera.

Right now the new camera system is working great for talking to npcs, sitting on chairs, opening the wardrobe inventory, and changing clothing, so atm its the povs that are left, before I have fully re-integrated the camera system, just with the new setup.

Once povs are in, ill keep start adding in some extra features finally, like being able to change camera angles when sitting and/or talking to npcs. be able to steer / turn off blurry background etc. This system has been a dick to add in, as there is no tutorials and very little info online, so its been a lot of yolo testing and failing, but yeah. i love how it works, so the sweat and blood has been worth it \o\



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