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I have been very busy irl, and i am still sleeping a bit too long at that lol. 

grief is a pain in the ass for sure. Meds help against it, but yeah. We are still not done moving out/cleaning my fathers house, and we have not yet been able to put it up for sale. Our stepmother is also likely going to take us to court, and a bigger part of our family is now trying to help us (which takes up a lot of time), as she is trying to get as much money as possible from my deceased father, so life is a pain atm, and i havent been able to do much work as of yet. 

I have been writing down plans/ideas though at least(for the game im working on), features and fixes aswell, and I have been working on and off on a better facial rig, to easier lip sync, but thats about it. This week is all booked for a irl shitshow, so I probably wont have anything to show you guys until the week after this one.



Wow, sorry this is all happening. That's messed up. Take care of yourself. We'll be here


Don't worry ! Take all the time you need <3

Avery H. Mavery

What an aweful situation, please take all the time you need.


Dude, I love your content and I can’t imagine what your going through. Take your time.


Hey Liard, its been almost a month since this post, how are things? We did not hear from you :/


Much of the same stuff from this update sadly. Although im never outside, I managed to get corona from my brother, as he is moving in. we are also gathering info for a lawyer we are going to hire this week.